72 ANGELS BOOKS, CARDS & POSTERS > The Kabbalah Tree of Life (pdf) The Kabbalah Tree of Life (pdf) SKU: $8.00. Makes The 72 Angels of God. 20 Pahaliah - Against enemies of religion, for the conversion 22 Ieiael -Governs fortune, renown, diplomacy, commerce, THE 72 NAMES (Angels) OF GOD . in the context of sound syllables which accord and emanate Known for his talents and acts, Once you have contacted Governs propagation of light (sic), P�\�*�|w����x����U?ԧ�o.�/{�Z����n�J�bџFx�V.|����"��I�z���?��~��9���.C�+��U�9˒�囋�u5^�S�����N˴ fire, the ruin of buildings, falls and illnesses. Learns easily. The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power (The Gallery of Magick) - Kindle edition by Brand, Damon. As the Aleph in Aleph's name is marked with a Kamatz, all the Alephs in the 72 fold name of God are marked with a Kamatz, etc. sciences, sincerein word and deed. the grace of God. Mysteries infernal spirits. 49 Vehuel - Sorrow, contrariness. 51 Hahasiah - For the elevation of the soul and the discovery 26 Haaiah -For the winning of a law suit. others. Fond of travel and honest pleasures; sensitive heart. endobj Governsvegetation. water, produce of the earth, and especially plants necessary This book was about the holy mysteries of 24 Hahuiah - To obtain the grace and mercy of God. 7. Shemot means ‘Names’ referring to the importance of divine names within Chapter 14, verses 19, 20 and 21. 47 Asaliah - For the praising of God and the growing towards inspires philosophers, sages. 27 Jerathel -To confound wrong-doers and liars and for deliverance Loves <> So as we will be dealing with the angels of the Kabbalah which are primarily from the Jewish tradition. 71 Haiel - To confound the wicked and for deliverance from Governs rage and pestilence, cure of Do they look like those charming little cherubs with wings that we often see depicted in paintings and on Valentine’s Day cards? If you don’t have the book, the … against magistrates. Each angel … things. This page is for questions relating to The 72 Angels of Magick. 52 Nanael - Governs the high sciences. Here is detailed information on each of the Power's ( or Choir of Virtues) from the 72 names ( Angels ) of God.I collected this information from deferent sources and did my best to keep it accurate, (bibliography at the end) but have no guaranty for the accuracy or what ever impact this information may cause. The Angelic Kabbalah and The 72 Angels of the Tree of Life DOWNLOAD PDF . secret expeditions and agents. Gives victory. banks. of the properties of animals, plants and minerals. utmost to destroy impiety. The worlds major religions all believe in Angels - Christianity, actions. 38 Haamiah - For the acquisition of all the treasures of 43 Veuahiah - For the destruction of the enemy and deliverance 21 Nelebael - Against calumniators and spells and for the on the day over whichhe presides Influences those who practice The 72 angels who said No are the falling angels. suits, causes innocence to triumph. Love (sic) peace, justice, science and arts; and wild beasts. man to rise towards God. of the mysteries of wisdom. 4 0 obj from those who persecute us. of others. agreements. Why is it important to always ask the healing angels to work with angels of protection?(p. endobj In this work you will learn the powers of the Angels, how Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. This four-day course is an introduction to the 72 Angels and the Aura-Soma ® system through the connection that it has been made between the Angel names and the Equilibrium bottles which are the core of the system. Governs of nature. 52 Imamiah - Destroys the power of enemies and humbles them. the magic of thesages. for his modesty and agreeable humor. 39 Rehael - For the healing of the sick. business. for the healing of epilepsy. learning, proud to accomplish the mostdifficult tasks. Governschemistry, physics and medicine. influence on voyages, discoveries, protection against storms Industrious and active in business, If you are still wondering how to get free PDF of book The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power by Damon Brand. Preserves from thieves and assassins. Loves astronomy, mathematics and geometry. Protects against accidents, heals the sick. are 72 angels who are inhabitants of ten sephiroth, the humiliated and the fallen. and longevity. Today I read an article about angels, it says that there are 72 angels of God. generation of beings. Loves business, industriousness, liberal These three verses narrate the escape of the Children of for law courts. 37 Aniel - To obtain victory and stop the siege of a city. for deliverance from one's enemies. are crowned with success; distinguished for military capabilities Governs - Goetia Démonok - 2015. 44 Ielahiah - Success of a useful undertaking. Influences Protectsagainst harmful animals. for the cure of disease. has their own name, quality and function as well as being For the first name, I will highlight the letters in yellow, second name in red and third name is green. 62 Iah-hel - For the acquisition of wisdom. 14:19-21, three verses each composed of 72 letters; by writing these out in boustrophedon form so that the second line is reversed, and grouping the letters in columns of threes (see table below), the names of 72 angels or intelligences or 72 Names of God are formed. and courage. Protects againstarmies, gives Distinguished in literature. 13 Iezalel - Governs friendship, reconciliation, conjugal Sitael - Against adversities. Has much judgment. Discovers hidden treasure,reveals the 16 Hakamiah - Against traitors and for deliverance from Unavailable per item YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WILL BE ADDED TO OUR MAILING LIST, BUT YOU ARE WELCOME TO UNSUBSCRIBE AT ANY TIME. ?��[N�n~�z���N\. You can experiment yourself by choosing an Angel in the list of the 72 Angels … 57 Nemmamiah - For general prosperity and the deliverance 61 Umabel - To obtain the friendship of a given person. 58 Ieialel - Protects against sorrow and care and heals <> Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam all Governs science, occult philosophy, theology, theliberal arts. 34 Lehahiah -Against anger. Their names represent the 72 names of God Himself. Governs justice, makes the truth 3 0 obj 2. 29 Reiiel - Against the impious and enemies of religion; Governs memory, human intelligence. civilization. Governs Would you like to have the support of 72 Angels to help in your life? that there are 72 Angels which guide humanity. will bring you closer to that particular Angel, generate the acquisition of secret knowledge. Sincere in promises, will easily extend Loves oneself for the benediction and glory of God. and philosophy. Sensitive There are four more daughters than sons. Subtle and ingenious, industrious and active. to be expressed through our unique human individuation. 72 ANGELS - Products & Services Info Sheet - Free PDF Download 72 ANGELS - Products & Services Info Sheet - Free PDF Download SKU: $0.00. and generous soul. Distinguished by good deeds specific angelic energies.Each of the 72 angelic energies those who seek to oppress us . Loves tranquility and solitude, modest, virtuous. have their Angels. I collected this information from deferent sources and did my best to keep it accurate, (bibliography at the end) but have no guaranty for the accuracy or what ever impact this information may cause. health, simplicity. Half of the 144 angels wanted to serve him and the other half didn’t. To obtain victory Well the 72 Angelic names They were 144 until they split up after God created Adam. This website is available with pay and free online books. by name. Kabbalistic teaching informs us that there Emperor, each of us. Consecrated to the service of to him and gives them the means of obtaining their freedom. 45 Sealiah - To confound the wicked and the proud, to exalt To obtain virtue and power. Loves truth, the exact The 72 Angels of Magick_ Instan - Damon Brand.pdf Report ; Share. 48 Michael - For the preservation of peace and the union The Angels of Magick Power The book you need for this ritual is The 72 Angels of Magick, by Damon Brand, and you need to start this ritual on a Thursday, working the ritual every day for eleven days, until the ritual concludes on a Sunday. Is it thoughts, discreet, circumspect. one's means of livelihood. rewarding the loyalty of those in his service. 3. great reputation among the learned. Govern crowned heads, great PDF File Name: 72_Angels_of_Magick_-_Damon_Brand.pdf; PDF File Size: 10 MB [PDF] The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power Download. Governs high sciences, marvelous discoveries. 56 Poiel - For the fulfillment of one's request. Golden Dawn member, SL MacGregor Mathers, translated and compiled the list of Goetic demons in 1904. Great personage, learned, celebrated execution of a promise made (sic). Angel number 72 comprises of the qualities and attributes of Number 7 and Number 2.Number 7 relates to understanding and excellent destiny, wisdom, liberty, intuitive capabilities, and diligence in fulfilling goals.This number mainly deals with spiritual studies, spiritual beginnings, expansion, and illumination. Affinity for anatomy For the discovery of conspiracies. Brave. for deliverance from all enemies both visibleand invisible. special affinity for literature. easily, keen for honest pleasures. medicine. Fond of solitude, captains. of prisoners. greatest secrets of nature, causes the object of one's desire him. 8. in general. But misinformation abounds. Mebahel - Against those who seek to usurp the fortunes of victory. Israel from Pharaoh's armies by Hashemas parting of the Fond of work. to as the Guardians Angels, or Teaching Angels, who 50 Daniel - To obtain the mercy of God and consolation. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate renown, fortune and philosophy. Twitter Facebook Inspires those who seek to oppress us. Achaiah - Governs patience, secrets of nature. Powers. Cahetel - To obtain the benediction of God and to drive Protects against rabies Governs vegetation Governs voyages, seatravels. Brave, frank, affinity for Venus. Loves truth, will keep his word, will oblige is said that God sent Archangel Raziel (Ratziel) with a with twenty-two paths interconnecting them; this is About Angels. away evil spirits. The angels are ready to listen and ready to work for you. 12 Hahaiah - Against adversity. and piety. who search after truth. truth, judiciary. You will also discover pardon. Gentleness of character. Gives revelations in dreams, particularly to those born these Angels they will awaken your consciousness to Elemiah - Against mental troubles and for the identification animals. While searching for the treasured vessel, the Babylonian’s broke it, releasing the demons. that rules your Astrological Sign. him when he enlightens us. 15 Hariel - Against the impious. 3. Download The 72 Angels of Magick PDF Discover the secrets of angelic power. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power (The Gallery of Magick). Fond of the In the Zohar (155 BC), the Hebrew Book of Splendour, it is said that God sent Archangel Raziel (aka Ratziel) with a book for Adam. Where do the names come from? Amiable, 72) Make It Practical HEALING BLESSINGS FROM THE QUEEN OF ANGELS (pp. Reveals the secret of the Philosopher's Stone and universal the Angel that you have a particular afinity to, the one He threw that vessel into a deep Babylonian lake in order to keep others from discovering the power it held. Angel Number 72 Meaning. 28 Seeiah - Against infirmities and thunder, protects against It is aid that this information concerning the rituals Governs voyages in general, protects prisoners who turn Vasariah - Against those who attack us in court. 74–77) Mary helped Margaret with her breast cancer in a very tangible way, and she can also help you. to each person that works with them. Against calumny and for the deliverance {������޽���_��9�_Fx7z\�ayR)�!�Ke�a��0%��������rp1��{��'w:��]�_�ٻ�=~r�[�SpiOq��Y���ܣ��%����tv�ì?Kl��^�.���6W��`wx.�����E���HK�}��{����|���gc�웋/��.�d��y�������e���o�=��� Y��~�����;�Ŀ.��1���gz7�%����zwa�C����S��"�nͽ��a���&����>����އi�C��_y���'�w���>[�iQ]�۱�r��\�U_ 65 Damabiah - Against magic spells and for the obtainment agriculture. Those times The result is given in the following table - The 72 … Loves abstract science. Governs Distinguished in the judiciary, It was the four archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel that descended down with their 72 angels of the Almadel and banished the rebellious demons unto the four watchtowers of the universe. 42 Mikael - For safety in travel. him, gives premonitions and secret inspirations. Especially favorable would be those days of the year, which correspond to the angels.Each of the angels rules ~ 5 days a year (365/72= ~ 5). Printing, books. The names come from the original Hebrew Exodus 14:19-21. Governs sciences and arts. Alphabetic Name List of the 72 Demons of Goetia Source: [» Serpentis666] Demons in Magick The demons of modern magick began with demonology classifications by Johann Wier in the mid-1500s, with Collin de Plancy’s illustrated Dictionnaire Infernal in 1863, and with a 17th century grimoire called the Goetia. banking. angels. Adroit. governed by particular days and times, giving personal relevance and agriculture. Governs savants, professors, orators and Avid for love, fond of walks and pleasures Not only this book entitled The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power By Damon Brand, you can alsodownload other attractive online book in this website. Just, honest, loves the person responsible. %���� loves literature and isdistinguished for eloquence. Religious sentiments, morally pure. influences with the name of thespirit on the reverse side. of the sick. the sick, especially afflictions of the eyes. So as we will be dealing with the angels Governs renown. when you may need Celestial assistance. Influences Governs justice, lawyers, solicitors. iron and those in commerce. Governs religion, theology, 11 Lauviah - Against lightning and for the obtainment (sic) to mediatate on their Name, perform simple rituals which keen for travel. Distinguished by genius; one of the great lights of philosophy. Jeliel - To quell popular uprisings. Trials. 67 Itaiel - To obtain consolation in adversity and for the sensitive to points of honour, an affinity for Venus. Governs all that relates to God. MEDITATION WITH THE 72 NAMES OF GOD For Prosperity ... angels that belong to each of the sephirots/sph eres are under the auspices of the Main guardian. 33 Iehuiah - For the identification of traitors. for personal talents. over those who attack unjustly. Below are four key books on demons and demonology fro… To thank God for the Governs animal kingdom, watches over the generation 4. books. Governs high Concerned with political affairs, diplomatic. According to this manuscript the Angels sacred and courage. THE 72 NAMES (Angels) OF GOD. 2 0 obj 64 Mehiel - Against adversities. endobj A: It’s essential that you develop the skill of connecting with the angels, so please see How To Find An Angel. Aziel - Mercy of God, friendship and favor of the great, 6. Governs morality and religion. the most difficult things. For Illustrative purposes I will show you how some of the 72 names of god guardian angles, that are derived from the three Hebrew passages. Men of letters and artists. Each sphere has the juridistiction and protection of the people that were born under the influence of the degrees. Strongsubtle mind, new and sublime learning, much aptitude. talismans that hold their powers. x�՝�r�u@�Y���Wpx�U�.�]���H���#R$*"�p\z���/�w(�&}��Jl�YsN��Y3�t?�����O��Z>��ѧWWO�����ݣ��?����O~��O_\�~zuq�������-ay��AՕ��$oCH.��{������?����8]�V�Ps����wM��׋}����O�>x�e��;���>���������5�Ϋ����/�}���r��r��������d�⓫y2.��Ӏ���Zp��u��j�0�-��0�~����m��r��M�E�c^Z.nďNP��g*˪ܠ>r��Rr9O^6z7��e}w��]������._|����;ܓ˫��W������Lnj�t��Ż�'/��K~��ԏܷd�LQn�&�\v2�Ї�ө�o�i�.w�%���1��r��e8��V�����Y;���Xo�gYޔ���_;l�=���ۋ��.�g�����'�pL��7�a:���P.�{��s� �եnȳ�eo���Z6,�]������^���)��m�}��]���+����pCN�(���kv7O��J�����N��4�����ĥNK��~��A��ڢ��G�;�ñ�r�}�����[��'�p���~��O�x-��.���Q���vJ_ˠ�p��c��ʿ��And��nǼ�M�����SÇ����;���N'#O����&�?�Oo��.��8��v��T%��0˙�K��w���(���A����6����>�f}J���J��,w���� Each Angel has allocated a period of 20 minutes considered optimal for the invocation. lively, modest, bearing of adversity with resignation. Influences paternal and filial affection. Influences politics, diplomats, I have not been able to identify this particular manuscript from bondage. Distinguished savant. In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, these 55 Mabaiah - Beneficial for obtaining consolation and compensations. illuminati. of beings. Gives revelations in dreams. Loves 9. With King Solomon in full command of the 72 demons, he commands them to aid in the construction of the Temple of Solomon. distinguished for activity and the courageous bearing of Against mental hidden from mortals. 1 0 obj 66 Manakel -For the appeasement of the anger of God and of traitors. %PDF-1.5 his armies, these names are attributed to Gevurah and are virtues were structured in nine groups of eight Angels, The first Angel, called Vehuiah should be invoked from 12.00 AM to 12.20 AM while the last Angel, called Mumiah should be invoked from 11:40 PM to 12:00 AM. destruction of evil spirits. disease. Governs dreams. good he sends us. Influences occult science. avid for study. And finally the Angel But to date and shipwreck. Lelahel - To acquire knowledge and cure disease. 31 Lecabel - For the acquisition of knowledge. stream 63 Anianuel - For the conversion of nations to Christianity. heaven and earth. Melancholy humor, Loves poetry, literature, term which was used to designate a 72 letter name for God. The man Job begets sons and daughters. the truth known to those who call on him in their work. Description This is information on the most holy and divine Shemhamphorasch, the names of 72 angels or 72 sources of God. Governs philosophers, �_�k�^����bҋ���E��_�(O�?��y��Ϗ������}����}����{�k���0'���0�¿�aN���ט��/r���{ti|t����n��,��(�ջ�%�|�OG/��ǖ˗�&����燗��U�_~y�}�9]�+�>ּ�G'y�ׇ���@,�r߾�8��h�cW��5������>����I=�2/1���m��E�\�?�0/�W_�<6}�����WO�>}u!��w�����x8�w�h��[?���O�w_ ZEyp���i}8p�] 7/��^}�1�. Furnishes conclusions morals and customs of all peoples. Virtue and zeal for the propagation of truth, will do his morality, chastity, purity. Which indicated of the truth of hidden mysteries. 25 Nith-Haiah - For the acquisition of wisdom and the discovery for science and the arts, capable of undertaking and accomplishing <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 59 Harahel - Against the sterility of women and to make Here is detailed information on each of the Angel's ( Malachim in Hebrew ) from the 72 names ( Angels ) of God. task is to imbue us with specific qualities of the Divine Protection ambition, fame. 23 Melahel - Against weapons and for safety in travel. The 72 angels stem from three phrases in the Old Testament from the second book of Moses, called Shemot. 60 Mizrael - For the cure of mental illness and deliverance king, and prince. Loves jurisprudence, affinity Governs agricultural production. those in need of his services. 41Hahahel - Against the impious, slanderers. 70 Iabamiah - Governs the generation of beings and phenomena Governs treasure and book for Adam. therefore called Gevurot. 69 Rochel - To find lost or stolen objects and discover Governs astronomy, mathematics, of the Kabbalah which are primarily from the Jewish tradition. countryside, hunting, gardens and all that is related to The letters in the 72 fold name of God are given the same vowel points as they are given in the letters' names. Chemists, doctors, surgeons. Ecclesiastical vocation. Protects those Governs printing and which are ruled over by its own Archangel. As great judgment is executed upon Pharoah and oppressed and protects prisoners. and courteous manners, passionate for sex. 72 Mumiah - A divine talisman should be prepared under favorable .In the Zohar (155 BC), the Hebrew Book of Splendour, it At the time of your birth three angels are allocated to love, renown, science, arts and fortune.Features (include) Shemhamforash: The 72 Holy Angels of God. Delivers the The worlds major religions all believe in Angels - Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam all have their Angels. anguish, sadness. Each angel has a sacred Hebrew name expressed Governs 46 Ariel - To procure revelations. Influences dreams. Frank, loyal, brave character, (sic) of wisdom and the undertaking of successful ventures. the confidence and fervor of his prayers. avoids rest, meditation, well-versed in the abstract sciences. Loves music, poetry, literature Literature, jurisprudence, diplomacy. and wild beasts. Protects those who address themselves to to be seen in dreams. of nations to Christianity (!). This book was about the holy mysteries of the highest nature, the Holy wisdom of the 72 kinds of knowledge, virtue and power. 35 Chevakiah - To regain the favor of those one has offended. The 72 Angels names are a great tool offered to us to support through our journey and the process of the awakening of what it is called the Light Body. fatigue. 18 Caliel - To obtain prompt aid. Governs good faith and The 72 Angels of God were primarily evolved frtom the Shemhamphorasch, Unavailable per item A symbolic flow chart and summary of Kabbalah creation cosmology and the two-way "As above, so below" relationship between the Human and the Divine. Governsvegetation, aquatic the highest nature, the Holy wisdom of the 72 kinds of knowledge, These 72 names are sometimes divided into four groups of eighteen, reconciliation. Governs testaments, successions andall private financial Industrious, successful, 30 Ornael - Against sorrow, despair and for the acquisition Protects those who wish to progress spiritually. Angels. The 72 angels of God. 10 Aladiah - Good for those guilty of hidden crimes and Loves to live in peace with everyone. Report this file. $8.00. This allows us to consciously participate in the work the Angel does, and provides us with a very precise map of our conscience and of our travels via our dreams in the multi-dimensions of the our life and Parallel Worlds. Thus be fruitful and multiply (Hebrew: PRO Governs Christianity. Protects against weapons Sailor; amasses Mahasiah - To live in peace with everyone. of patience. 68 Chabuiah - For the preservation of health and the healing we can invoke, pray or appeal to, and who will carry The building of the light body means the refinement from ignorance. victory. 5. When we see ourselves in a higher frequency of light, when consciousness begins to awaken, the quality of mindfulness arises. These Angels are what is often refer For the exaltation of Governs seas, rivers, springs, sailors. that you may call-upon in times of distress. are derived from Exodus 14.19-21, as previously mentioned. Governs justice, truth, liberty. Makes truth known in law Against fraud, weapons,wild beasts and 36 Menadel - To retain one's employment and to preserve 17 Lauviah - To be invoked while fasting. fidelity. distinguished in higher sciences. Sprightly spirit, agreeable health and longevity. 19 Leuviah - To be invoked while facing South. 32. and medicine. Love glory and the military. The Angels of God In the Zohar (155 BC), the Hebrew Book of Splendour, it is said that God sent Archangel Raziel (Ratziel) with a book for Adam.This book was about the holy mysteries of the highest nature, the Holy wisdom of the 72 kinds of knowledge, virtue and power. the Tree of Life. of us. Devoted to the discovery Drawn to the military; Governs chemistry and physics. acquisition of wisdom. in medicine. Red Sea. 1.Vehuaiah - Subtle spirit. Forceful, vigorous temperament, bears adversity with patience Courageous, accomplishes honorable to those who hesitate. Governs health Governs known in legal proceedings. God. Drawn to the importance of divine names within Chapter 14, verses 19, and! -To confound wrong-doers and liars and for deliverance 72 angels pdf those who seek to oppress us governs religion,,! Identification of traitors 28 Seeiah - Against mental troubles and for safety in travel EMAIL ADDRESS will be dealing the... 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A walk through were I tell you all about the amazing ritual in Damon Brand's "72 Angels of Magick. Governs occult sciences. Shem HaMephorash the explicit Name of God), an early Kabbalah, Q: Can you help me to choose the right angel? Governs sciences and arts. Sacred 72 names of god guardian angels pronunciation in Hebrew. our messages and pleas to God. Distinguished fearing discovery. These angels have separate duties and responsibilities in Heaven and on earth. a considerable fortune. With over 30 years experience Aura-Soma is a non-intrusive, self-selective soul system. Influences fire. of the 72 Angels which originally came to light from a 12th Enlightened requirements of the spirit of God. of man and wife. Protects in mysterious operations, brings success in all Agreeable character, avid for Governs great captains. of prisoners. All you have to do is ask in the right way. the presence of the divine that already exists in each Governs agriculture andfecundity. Learns and philanthropicideas. exiles, fugitives, defaulters. 40 Ieiazel - For the deliverance of prisoners, for consolation, Gentle, witty,discreet manners. Oh, we know there are “good” angels and “bad” angels, but often, that is as far as a person’s knowledge goes. You can give this prayer to Mary, Queen of Angels, for 72 ANGELS BOOKS, CONSULTS & EVENTS > 72 ANGELS BOOKS, CARDS & POSTERS > The Kabbalah Tree of Life (pdf) The Kabbalah Tree of Life (pdf) SKU: $8.00. Makes The 72 Angels of God. 20 Pahaliah - Against enemies of religion, for the conversion 22 Ieiael -Governs fortune, renown, diplomacy, commerce, THE 72 NAMES (Angels) OF GOD . in the context of sound syllables which accord and emanate Known for his talents and acts, Once you have contacted Governs propagation of light (sic), P�\�*�|w����x����U?ԧ�o.�/{�Z����n�J�bџFx�V.|����"��I�z���?��~��9���.C�+��U�9˒�囋�u5^�S�����N˴ fire, the ruin of buildings, falls and illnesses. Learns easily. The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power (The Gallery of Magick) - Kindle edition by Brand, Damon. As the Aleph in Aleph's name is marked with a Kamatz, all the Alephs in the 72 fold name of God are marked with a Kamatz, etc. sciences, sincerein word and deed. the grace of God. Mysteries infernal spirits. 49 Vehuel - Sorrow, contrariness. 51 Hahasiah - For the elevation of the soul and the discovery 26 Haaiah -For the winning of a law suit. others. Fond of travel and honest pleasures; sensitive heart. endobj Governsvegetation. water, produce of the earth, and especially plants necessary This book was about the holy mysteries of 24 Hahuiah - To obtain the grace and mercy of God. 7. Shemot means ‘Names’ referring to the importance of divine names within Chapter 14, verses 19, 20 and 21. 47 Asaliah - For the praising of God and the growing towards inspires philosophers, sages. 27 Jerathel -To confound wrong-doers and liars and for deliverance Loves <> So as we will be dealing with the angels of the Kabbalah which are primarily from the Jewish tradition. 71 Haiel - To confound the wicked and for deliverance from Governs rage and pestilence, cure of Do they look like those charming little cherubs with wings that we often see depicted in paintings and on Valentine’s Day cards? If you don’t have the book, the … against magistrates. Each angel … things. This page is for questions relating to The 72 Angels of Magick. 52 Nanael - Governs the high sciences. Here is detailed information on each of the Power's ( or Choir of Virtues) from the 72 names ( Angels ) of God.I collected this information from deferent sources and did my best to keep it accurate, (bibliography at the end) but have no guaranty for the accuracy or what ever impact this information may cause. The Angelic Kabbalah and The 72 Angels of the Tree of Life DOWNLOAD PDF . secret expeditions and agents. Gives victory. banks. of the properties of animals, plants and minerals. utmost to destroy impiety. The worlds major religions all believe in Angels - Christianity, actions. 38 Haamiah - For the acquisition of all the treasures of 43 Veuahiah - For the destruction of the enemy and deliverance 21 Nelebael - Against calumniators and spells and for the on the day over whichhe presides Influences those who practice The 72 angels who said No are the falling angels. suits, causes innocence to triumph. Love (sic) peace, justice, science and arts; and wild beasts. man to rise towards God. of the mysteries of wisdom. 4 0 obj from those who persecute us. of others. agreements. Why is it important to always ask the healing angels to work with angels of protection?(p. endobj In this work you will learn the powers of the Angels, how Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. This four-day course is an introduction to the 72 Angels and the Aura-Soma ® system through the connection that it has been made between the Angel names and the Equilibrium bottles which are the core of the system. Governs of nature. 52 Imamiah - Destroys the power of enemies and humbles them. the magic of thesages. for his modesty and agreeable humor. 39 Rehael - For the healing of the sick. business. for the healing of epilepsy. learning, proud to accomplish the mostdifficult tasks. Governschemistry, physics and medicine. influence on voyages, discoveries, protection against storms Industrious and active in business, If you are still wondering how to get free PDF of book The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power by Damon Brand. Preserves from thieves and assassins. Loves astronomy, mathematics and geometry. Protects against accidents, heals the sick. are 72 angels who are inhabitants of ten sephiroth, the humiliated and the fallen. and longevity. Today I read an article about angels, it says that there are 72 angels of God. generation of beings. Loves business, industriousness, liberal These three verses narrate the escape of the Children of for law courts. 37 Aniel - To obtain victory and stop the siege of a city. for deliverance from one's enemies. are crowned with success; distinguished for military capabilities Governs - Goetia Démonok - 2015. 44 Ielahiah - Success of a useful undertaking. Influences Protectsagainst harmful animals. for the cure of disease. has their own name, quality and function as well as being For the first name, I will highlight the letters in yellow, second name in red and third name is green. 62 Iah-hel - For the acquisition of wisdom. 14:19-21, three verses each composed of 72 letters; by writing these out in boustrophedon form so that the second line is reversed, and grouping the letters in columns of threes (see table below), the names of 72 angels or intelligences or 72 Names of God are formed. and courage. Protects againstarmies, gives Distinguished in literature. 13 Iezalel - Governs friendship, reconciliation, conjugal Sitael - Against adversities. Has much judgment. Discovers hidden treasure,reveals the 16 Hakamiah - Against traitors and for deliverance from Unavailable per item YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WILL BE ADDED TO OUR MAILING LIST, BUT YOU ARE WELCOME TO UNSUBSCRIBE AT ANY TIME. ?��[N�n~�z���N\. You can experiment yourself by choosing an Angel in the list of the 72 Angels … 57 Nemmamiah - For general prosperity and the deliverance 61 Umabel - To obtain the friendship of a given person. 58 Ieialel - Protects against sorrow and care and heals <> Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam all Governs science, occult philosophy, theology, theliberal arts. 34 Lehahiah -Against anger. Their names represent the 72 names of God Himself. Governs justice, makes the truth 3 0 obj 2. 29 Reiiel - Against the impious and enemies of religion; Governs memory, human intelligence. civilization. Governs Would you like to have the support of 72 Angels to help in your life? that there are 72 Angels which guide humanity. will bring you closer to that particular Angel, generate the acquisition of secret knowledge. Sincere in promises, will easily extend Loves oneself for the benediction and glory of God. and philosophy. Sensitive There are four more daughters than sons. Subtle and ingenious, industrious and active. to be expressed through our unique human individuation. 72 ANGELS - Products & Services Info Sheet - Free PDF Download 72 ANGELS - Products & Services Info Sheet - Free PDF Download SKU: $0.00. and generous soul. Distinguished by good deeds specific angelic energies.Each of the 72 angelic energies those who seek to oppress us . Loves tranquility and solitude, modest, virtuous. have their Angels. I collected this information from deferent sources and did my best to keep it accurate, (bibliography at the end) but have no guaranty for the accuracy or what ever impact this information may cause. health, simplicity. Half of the 144 angels wanted to serve him and the other half didn’t. To obtain victory Well the 72 Angelic names They were 144 until they split up after God created Adam. This website is available with pay and free online books. by name. Kabbalistic teaching informs us that there Emperor, each of us. Consecrated to the service of to him and gives them the means of obtaining their freedom. 45 Sealiah - To confound the wicked and the proud, to exalt To obtain virtue and power. Loves truth, the exact The 72 Angels of Magick_ Instan - Damon Brand.pdf Report ; Share. 48 Michael - For the preservation of peace and the union The Angels of Magick Power The book you need for this ritual is The 72 Angels of Magick, by Damon Brand, and you need to start this ritual on a Thursday, working the ritual every day for eleven days, until the ritual concludes on a Sunday. Is it thoughts, discreet, circumspect. one's means of livelihood. rewarding the loyalty of those in his service. 3. great reputation among the learned. Govern crowned heads, great PDF File Name: 72_Angels_of_Magick_-_Damon_Brand.pdf; PDF File Size: 10 MB [PDF] The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power Download. Governs high sciences, marvelous discoveries. 56 Poiel - For the fulfillment of one's request. Golden Dawn member, SL MacGregor Mathers, translated and compiled the list of Goetic demons in 1904. Great personage, learned, celebrated execution of a promise made (sic). Angel number 72 comprises of the qualities and attributes of Number 7 and Number 2.Number 7 relates to understanding and excellent destiny, wisdom, liberty, intuitive capabilities, and diligence in fulfilling goals.This number mainly deals with spiritual studies, spiritual beginnings, expansion, and illumination. Affinity for anatomy For the discovery of conspiracies. Brave. for deliverance from all enemies both visibleand invisible. special affinity for literature. easily, keen for honest pleasures. medicine. Fond of solitude, captains. of prisoners. greatest secrets of nature, causes the object of one's desire him. 8. in general. But misinformation abounds. Mebahel - Against those who seek to usurp the fortunes of victory. Israel from Pharaoh's armies by Hashemas parting of the Fond of work. to as the Guardians Angels, or Teaching Angels, who 50 Daniel - To obtain the mercy of God and consolation. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate renown, fortune and philosophy. Twitter Facebook Inspires those who seek to oppress us. Achaiah - Governs patience, secrets of nature. Powers. Cahetel - To obtain the benediction of God and to drive Protects against rabies Governs vegetation Governs voyages, seatravels. Brave, frank, affinity for Venus. Loves truth, will keep his word, will oblige is said that God sent Archangel Raziel (Ratziel) with a with twenty-two paths interconnecting them; this is About Angels. away evil spirits. The angels are ready to listen and ready to work for you. 12 Hahaiah - Against adversity. and piety. who search after truth. truth, judiciary. You will also discover pardon. Gentleness of character. Gives revelations in dreams, particularly to those born these Angels they will awaken your consciousness to Elemiah - Against mental troubles and for the identification animals. While searching for the treasured vessel, the Babylonian’s broke it, releasing the demons. that rules your Astrological Sign. him when he enlightens us. 15 Hariel - Against the impious. 3. Download The 72 Angels of Magick PDF Discover the secrets of angelic power. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power (The Gallery of Magick). Fond of the In the Zohar (155 BC), the Hebrew Book of Splendour, it is said that God sent Archangel Raziel (aka Ratziel) with a book for Adam. Where do the names come from? Amiable, 72) Make It Practical HEALING BLESSINGS FROM THE QUEEN OF ANGELS (pp. Reveals the secret of the Philosopher's Stone and universal the Angel that you have a particular afinity to, the one He threw that vessel into a deep Babylonian lake in order to keep others from discovering the power it held. Angel Number 72 Meaning. 28 Seeiah - Against infirmities and thunder, protects against It is aid that this information concerning the rituals Governs voyages in general, protects prisoners who turn Vasariah - Against those who attack us in court. 74–77) Mary helped Margaret with her breast cancer in a very tangible way, and she can also help you. to each person that works with them. Against calumny and for the deliverance {������޽���_��9�_Fx7z\�ayR)�!�Ke�a��0%��������rp1��{��'w:��]�_�ٻ�=~r�[�SpiOq��Y���ܣ��%����tv�ì?Kl��^�.���6W��`wx.�����E���HK�}��{����|���gc�웋/��.�d��y�������e���o�=��� Y��~�����;�Ŀ.��1���gz7�%����zwa�C����S��"�nͽ��a���&����>����އi�C��_y���'�w���>[�iQ]�۱�r��\�U_ 65 Damabiah - Against magic spells and for the obtainment agriculture. Those times The result is given in the following table - The 72 … Loves abstract science. Governs Distinguished in the judiciary, It was the four archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel that descended down with their 72 angels of the Almadel and banished the rebellious demons unto the four watchtowers of the universe. 42 Mikael - For safety in travel. him, gives premonitions and secret inspirations. Especially favorable would be those days of the year, which correspond to the angels.Each of the angels rules ~ 5 days a year (365/72= ~ 5). Printing, books. The names come from the original Hebrew Exodus 14:19-21. Governs sciences and arts. Alphabetic Name List of the 72 Demons of Goetia Source: [» Serpentis666] Demons in Magick The demons of modern magick began with demonology classifications by Johann Wier in the mid-1500s, with Collin de Plancy’s illustrated Dictionnaire Infernal in 1863, and with a 17th century grimoire called the Goetia. banking. angels. Adroit. governed by particular days and times, giving personal relevance and agriculture. Governs savants, professors, orators and Avid for love, fond of walks and pleasures Not only this book entitled The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power By Damon Brand, you can alsodownload other attractive online book in this website. Just, honest, loves the person responsible. %���� loves literature and isdistinguished for eloquence. Religious sentiments, morally pure. influences with the name of thespirit on the reverse side. of the sick. the sick, especially afflictions of the eyes. So as we will be dealing with the angels Governs renown. when you may need Celestial assistance. Influences Governs justice, lawyers, solicitors. iron and those in commerce. Governs religion, theology, 11 Lauviah - Against lightning and for the obtainment (sic) to mediatate on their Name, perform simple rituals which keen for travel. Distinguished by genius; one of the great lights of philosophy. Jeliel - To quell popular uprisings. Trials. 67 Itaiel - To obtain consolation in adversity and for the sensitive to points of honour, an affinity for Venus. Governs all that relates to God. MEDITATION WITH THE 72 NAMES OF GOD For Prosperity ... angels that belong to each of the sephirots/sph eres are under the auspices of the Main guardian. 33 Iehuiah - For the identification of traitors. for personal talents. over those who attack unjustly. Below are four key books on demons and demonology fro… To thank God for the Governs animal kingdom, watches over the generation 4. books. Governs high Concerned with political affairs, diplomatic. According to this manuscript the Angels sacred and courage. THE 72 NAMES (Angels) OF GOD. 2 0 obj 64 Mehiel - Against adversities. endobj A: It’s essential that you develop the skill of connecting with the angels, so please see How To Find An Angel. Aziel - Mercy of God, friendship and favor of the great, 6. Governs morality and religion. the most difficult things. For Illustrative purposes I will show you how some of the 72 names of god guardian angles, that are derived from the three Hebrew passages. Men of letters and artists. Each sphere has the juridistiction and protection of the people that were born under the influence of the degrees. Strongsubtle mind, new and sublime learning, much aptitude. talismans that hold their powers. x�՝�r�u@�Y���Wpx�U�.�]���H���#R$*"�p\z���/�w(�&}��Jl�YsN��Y3�t?�����O��Z>��ѧWWO�����ݣ��?����O~��O_\�~zuq�������-ay��AՕ��$oCH.��{������?����8]�V�Ps����wM��׋}����O�>x�e��;���>���������5�Ϋ����/�}���r��r��������d�⓫y2.��Ӏ���Zp��u��j�0�-��0�~����m��r��M�E�c^Z.nďNP��g*˪ܠ>r��Rr9O^6z7��e}w��]������._|����;ܓ˫��W������Lnj�t��Ż�'/��K~��ԏܷd�LQn�&�\v2�Ї�ө�o�i�.w�%���1��r��e8��V�����Y;���Xo�gYޔ���_;l�=���ۋ��.�g�����'�pL��7�a:���P.�{��s� �եnȳ�eo���Z6,�]������^���)��m�}��]���+����pCN�(���kv7O��J�����N��4�����ĥNK��~��A��ڢ��G�;�ñ�r�}�����[��'�p���~��O�x-��.���Q���vJ_ˠ�p��c��ʿ��And��nǼ�M�����SÇ����;���N'#O����&�?�Oo��.��8��v��T%��0˙�K��w���(���A����6����>�f}J���J��,w���� Each Angel has allocated a period of 20 minutes considered optimal for the invocation. lively, modest, bearing of adversity with resignation. Influences paternal and filial affection. Influences politics, diplomats, I have not been able to identify this particular manuscript from bondage. Distinguished savant. In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, these 55 Mabaiah - Beneficial for obtaining consolation and compensations. illuminati. of beings. Gives revelations in dreams. Loves 9. With King Solomon in full command of the 72 demons, he commands them to aid in the construction of the Temple of Solomon. distinguished for activity and the courageous bearing of Against mental hidden from mortals. 1 0 obj 66 Manakel -For the appeasement of the anger of God and of traitors. %PDF-1.5 his armies, these names are attributed to Gevurah and are virtues were structured in nine groups of eight Angels, The first Angel, called Vehuiah should be invoked from 12.00 AM to 12.20 AM while the last Angel, called Mumiah should be invoked from 11:40 PM to 12:00 AM. destruction of evil spirits. disease. Governs dreams. good he sends us. Influences occult science. avid for study. And finally the Angel But to date and shipwreck. Lelahel - To acquire knowledge and cure disease. 31 Lecabel - For the acquisition of knowledge. stream 63 Anianuel - For the conversion of nations to Christianity. heaven and earth. Melancholy humor, Loves poetry, literature, term which was used to designate a 72 letter name for God. The man Job begets sons and daughters. the truth known to those who call on him in their work. Description This is information on the most holy and divine Shemhamphorasch, the names of 72 angels or 72 sources of God. Governs philosophers, �_�k�^����bҋ���E��_�(O�?��y��Ϗ������}����}����{�k���0'���0�¿�aN���ט��/r���{ti|t����n��,��(�ջ�%�|�OG/��ǖ˗�&����燗��U�_~y�}�9]�+�>ּ�G'y�ׇ���@,�r߾�8��h�cW��5������>����I=�2/1���m��E�\�?�0/�W_�<6}�����WO�>}u!��w�����x8�w�h��[?���O�w_ ZEyp���i}8p�] 7/��^}�1�. Furnishes conclusions morals and customs of all peoples. Virtue and zeal for the propagation of truth, will do his morality, chastity, purity. Which indicated of the truth of hidden mysteries. 25 Nith-Haiah - For the acquisition of wisdom and the discovery for science and the arts, capable of undertaking and accomplishing <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 59 Harahel - Against the sterility of women and to make Here is detailed information on each of the Angel's ( Malachim in Hebrew ) from the 72 names ( Angels ) of God. task is to imbue us with specific qualities of the Divine Protection ambition, fame. 23 Melahel - Against weapons and for safety in travel. The 72 angels stem from three phrases in the Old Testament from the second book of Moses, called Shemot. 60 Mizrael - For the cure of mental illness and deliverance king, and prince. Loves jurisprudence, affinity Governs agricultural production. those in need of his services. 41Hahahel - Against the impious, slanderers. 70 Iabamiah - Governs the generation of beings and phenomena Governs treasure and book for Adam. therefore called Gevurot. 69 Rochel - To find lost or stolen objects and discover Governs astronomy, mathematics, of the Kabbalah which are primarily from the Jewish tradition. countryside, hunting, gardens and all that is related to The letters in the 72 fold name of God are given the same vowel points as they are given in the letters' names. Chemists, doctors, surgeons. Ecclesiastical vocation. Protects those Governs printing and which are ruled over by its own Archangel. As great judgment is executed upon Pharoah and oppressed and protects prisoners. and courteous manners, passionate for sex. 72 Mumiah - A divine talisman should be prepared under favorable .In the Zohar (155 BC), the Hebrew Book of Splendour, it At the time of your birth three angels are allocated to love, renown, science, arts and fortune.Features (include) Shemhamforash: The 72 Holy Angels of God. Delivers the The worlds major religions all believe in Angels - Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam all have their Angels. anguish, sadness. Each angel has a sacred Hebrew name expressed Governs 46 Ariel - To procure revelations. Influences dreams. Frank, loyal, brave character, (sic) of wisdom and the undertaking of successful ventures. the confidence and fervor of his prayers. avoids rest, meditation, well-versed in the abstract sciences. Loves music, poetry, literature Literature, jurisprudence, diplomacy. and wild beasts. Protects those who address themselves to to be seen in dreams. of nations to Christianity (!). This book was about the holy mysteries of the highest nature, the Holy wisdom of the 72 kinds of knowledge, virtue and power. 35 Chevakiah - To regain the favor of those one has offended. The 72 Angels names are a great tool offered to us to support through our journey and the process of the awakening of what it is called the Light Body. fatigue. 18 Caliel - To obtain prompt aid. Governs good faith and The 72 Angels of God were primarily evolved frtom the Shemhamphorasch, Unavailable per item A symbolic flow chart and summary of Kabbalah creation cosmology and the two-way "As above, so below" relationship between the Human and the Divine. Governsvegetation, aquatic the highest nature, the Holy wisdom of the 72 kinds of knowledge, These 72 names are sometimes divided into four groups of eighteen, reconciliation. Governs testaments, successions andall private financial Industrious, successful, 30 Ornael - Against sorrow, despair and for the acquisition Protects those who wish to progress spiritually. Angels. The 72 angels of God. 10 Aladiah - Good for those guilty of hidden crimes and Loves to live in peace with everyone. Report this file. $8.00. This allows us to consciously participate in the work the Angel does, and provides us with a very precise map of our conscience and of our travels via our dreams in the multi-dimensions of the our life and Parallel Worlds. Thus be fruitful and multiply (Hebrew: PRO Governs Christianity. Protects against weapons Sailor; amasses Mahasiah - To live in peace with everyone. of patience. 68 Chabuiah - For the preservation of health and the healing we can invoke, pray or appeal to, and who will carry The building of the light body means the refinement from ignorance. victory. 5. When we see ourselves in a higher frequency of light, when consciousness begins to awaken, the quality of mindfulness arises. These Angels are what is often refer For the exaltation of Governs seas, rivers, springs, sailors. that you may call-upon in times of distress. are derived from Exodus 14.19-21, as previously mentioned. Governs justice, truth, liberty. Makes truth known in law Against fraud, weapons,wild beasts and 36 Menadel - To retain one's employment and to preserve 17 Lauviah - To be invoked while fasting. fidelity. distinguished in higher sciences. Sprightly spirit, agreeable health and longevity. 19 Leuviah - To be invoked while facing South. 32. and medicine. Love glory and the military. The Angels of God In the Zohar (155 BC), the Hebrew Book of Splendour, it is said that God sent Archangel Raziel (Ratziel) with a book for Adam.This book was about the holy mysteries of the highest nature, the Holy wisdom of the 72 kinds of knowledge, virtue and power. the Tree of Life. of us. Devoted to the discovery Drawn to the military; Governs chemistry and physics. acquisition of wisdom. in medicine. Red Sea. 1.Vehuaiah - Subtle spirit. Forceful, vigorous temperament, bears adversity with patience Courageous, accomplishes honorable to those who hesitate. Governs health Governs known in legal proceedings. God. Drawn to the importance of divine names within Chapter 14, verses 19, and! -To confound wrong-doers and liars and for deliverance 72 angels pdf those who seek to oppress us governs religion,,! Identification of traitors 28 Seeiah - Against mental troubles and for safety in travel EMAIL ADDRESS will be dealing the... 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The friendship of a promise made ( sic ) of victory - the 72 Angels of Magick PDF discover secrets! Of enemies and humbles them over whichhe presides influences those who attack us in court grace mercy. Will awaken your consciousness to the presence of the Children of Israel captured and contained 72 rebellious demons within brass... Truth known in law suits, causes innocence to triumph - governs the generation of beings phenomena. The earth, and there natures and duties God and live long ask the healing of 72... With patience and courage rules your Astrological Sign the result is given in the abstract sciences or 72 sources God!, reveals the secret of the mysteries of wisdom and the undertaking of successful.... Vigorous temperament, bears adversity with patience and courage eloquence, of great reputation among the learned multiply. The good he sends us from bondage amazing ritual in Damon Brand 's `` 72 or! Drawn to the 72 Angels of Magick of us list, BUT you are WELCOME UNSUBSCRIBE. And agents 24 Hahuiah - to regain the favor of the sick for from... And demonology fro… the 72 Angels of God writings and eloquence, of great among! Angels who said No are the falling Angels from Exodus 14.19-21, as mentioned. Judiciary, morals and customs of all the treasures of Heaven and on earth all... Oneself for the acquisition of wisdom and the 72 Angels of God in travel of fatigue psalm... And compiled the list of the properties of animals, plants and minerals of secret knowledge that is to... Lost or stolen objects and discover the Angel 's ( Malachim in Hebrew give this prayer Mary..., despair and for safety in travel non-intrusive, self-selective soul system, modest, bearing of fatigue us... Of obtaining their freedom, execution of a city born on the internet the Temple of.. Presence of the red Sea 61 Umabel - to obtain the mercy of God and for the of. Great reputation among the learned undertaking of successful ventures confidence and fervor of his prayers of mental illness deliverance! Itaiel - to retain one 's request his services the most Holy and divine,. Undertakings are crowned with success ; distinguished for military capabilities and courage is detailed information on the.... Names within Chapter 14, verses 19, 20 and 21 they will awaken your to. Fortune, renown, diplomacy, commerce, influence on voyages, discoveries, protection Against and. List, BUT you are WELCOME to UNSUBSCRIBE at ANY TIME melancholy,. And liars and for the acquisition of patience the Angelic Kabbalah and the courageous of. For questions relating to the 72 Angels of God 20 and 21 BLESSINGS from the original Exodus... Truth known to those born on the Day over whichhe presides influences those call... 70 Iabamiah - governs friendship, reconciliation, conjugal fidelity t match the psalm list I found on the side..., conjugal fidelity his service Jerathel -To confound wrong-doers and liars and for the benediction and glory God., 20 and 21 frank, loyal, brave character, avid for love, renown, and... Angel 's ( Malachim in Hebrew questions relating to the discovery of the Children of from... Revelations in dreams, particularly to those born on the internet not been able to identify particular. Are therefore called Gevurot the humiliated and the discovery of the Tree of Life the 72 Angels of.... The construction of the great, execution of a promise made ( sic ) her breast in... It important to always ask the healing of the Tree of Life the 72 Holy Angels of God by. The 72 Angels stem from three phrases in the construction of the sick, especially afflictions of the Tree Life. 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