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0 comments, Posted on 04/01/2015 at 01:00 PM in Oddities, Soldier's Stories | Permalink Eleven years later, in a "Ripley's Believe It or Not" cartoon, it was published around the world in 42 countries and 17 different languages. Mr. Johnson Remembers Morgan's Soldiers. (2004). Ripley missed the most unbelievable part of the story. Gus Bowles Goes to War. A Young Girl Meets Her Soldier Father., Posted on 09/05/2015 at 05:37 AM in Prisoners of war, PTSD, Soldier's Stories | Permalink Lewis McBride Joins the Union Army. Learning about same-sex love among soldiers wasn’t Thomas P. Lowry’s focus when he sat out to pen The Story the Soldiers Wouldn’t Tell: Sex in the Civil War, the first scholarly study of the sex lives of soldiers in the Civil War. The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Memorial honors 398 Worcester residents who perished in the U.S. Civil War with just their names. Wirtz relative to changing quarters, refused. John Clark Ely of Company C, 115th Ohio Infantry, was captured in Tennessee in late 1864. Willis Meadows grasped his throat and began to choke. Just when he thought it was his time to die, something flew from his mouth, bounced on the wooden kitchen table and tumbled to a stop. | Lee’s men were particularly deficient in shoes, underwear and blankets, and “Their coats were made out of almost anything you could imagine, butternut color predominating.”Their lack of shoes led to scores of footsore soldiers, and in many regiments the barefooted seemed to outnumber those with footwear. | To help your students analyze these primary sources, get a graphic organizer and guides. The story of a bullet stopped by a Bible thereby saving a soldier’s life has cropped up repeatedly in various war stories for various wars over the past some couple of centuries …I have heard of this story for World War II as well as the Civil War, etc. Feb. 24, 1865 (Friday)Rainy night, showery day with some thunder. Witnessing the intense trauma of death on a daily basis was more than enough to produce PTSD. James Steptoe Johnston, Jr. of the 11th Mississippi wrote that “it had become quite natural for us to starve.”, One unnamed citizen in Frederick, Maryland wrote that “the filth that pervades them is most remarkable… They have no uniforms, but are well armed and equipped.”, One witness said she felt “humiliated at the thought that this horde of ragamuffins could set our grand army of the Union at defiance”, but professed a certain sympathy “for the poor, misguided wretches, for some were limping along so painfully, trying to keep with their comrades.”, Mrs. I.E. Napoleon, between 1860 and 1864 Civil War. As many as 20% of Civil War soldiers were younger than 18. "Coughs Up Bullet" was a national newspaper story in 1921. Camps like Salisbury, Libby, Douglas and the most notorious Andersonville were overpopulated and did not have proper supplies for the number of prisoners it contained. | His journal entries are courtesy of Andersonville National Historic Site. | Lincoln's first solution to slavery was a fiasco. Posted on 02/27/2015 at 08:34 PM in Artifacts - Military, Soldier's Stories | Permalink While in Baltimore running errands, he escaped and lied about his age so he could enlist in the 81st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Photo courtesy of the Kilburn familyFor 58 years, the Civil War-era bullet that took the right eye of Confederate soldier Willis Meadows, left, was lodged near his brain. The history buff then found a photo of Lt. Coe. While the Civil War was raging in the US, there were multiple stories of encounters … According to the American Battlefield Trust, more than 10,500 military engagements were waged between April 1861 and May 1865. Whatever was stuck in there wouldn't come out, and with coughing spasms growing violent, the 78-year old couldn't breathe. There are other first hand accounts of combat and general living conditions faced by soldiers of both sides....far too many to elaborate here. Of course in war and in that large a crowd there would be some unpleasant things, but on the whole the men were polite. Early in his presidency, Abe was convinced that white … Lincoln's first solution to slavery was a fiasco. Next Section Civil War Soldiers' Stories; African-American Soldiers During the Civil War 12-pdr. “Rogue’s March” was often played by drums and fifes, though if they couldn’t be found, a trumpet was sometimes substituted and the process was called being “blown out” of the army. The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching. The point of drumming out a soldier was to make his departure from the military humiliating enough that others would be discouraged from committing the same crime. | How different from where I was a year ago, some scalloway opened our tent at bottom and stole from me one shirt, one pair drawers, one () and haversack with 4 days rations meal. That was the minimum recruiting age for Union soldiers, but many people willingly overlooked the … The long article gave readers a good description of the nation’s capital in the midst of the Civil War. His maltreatment resulted in illness, decay, and ultimately the amputation of his feet. UN chief Mark Lowcock said the civil war… Other information on the site includes histories of Union and Confederate regiments, links to descriptions of significant battles, and selected lists of prisoner-of-war records and cemetery records, which will be amended … The weight of soldiers had also debilitated; a supposed diet containing large amounts of green corn and apples for subsistence ensured the Rebels became hollow-eyed and sullen-faced. Testament: A Soldier's Story of the Civil War by Benson Bobrick is one of the most insightful contributions to the ever growing body of work devoted to this war. A Soldier’s Tale: The Civil War from the Front Lines – In this dynamic performance storyteller and author Brian “Fox” Ellis steps into the shoes of three soldiers to explore the war and its aftermath in American History. Rather than being educated, Sylvanus was kept as a slave. The amount of blood shed during the American Civil War is so astronomical that it's almost unthinkable. Four of the men stopped before me perched on the fence and said, ‘Son take these canteen and fill them with water’. Feb. 21, 1865 (Tuesday)Lowery in morning, pleasant p.m. Wrote note to Lt. Eadie. A Battle Stopped To Watch A Fistfight. Bronson fought valiantly throughout the Civil War with the Iron Brigade — he was captured at Gettysburg, wounded in several battles and still carried a bullet in his right hip when he was sent to a hospital to convalesce. When Bronson read in a newspaper that President Abraham Lincoln, General Ulysses S. Grant and their wives were going to see “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theatre that evening, April 14, 1865, Bronson bought a ticket and walked three blocks from the hospital to the theater. HONOLULU —The Pacific Diamond and Swiss Watch Exchange is an unlikely place to find a civil war sword, but shop owner Ted Gonzalez had one. Several address the reasons why young men and boys joined up enthusiastically. Others tell of the experience and suffering of being a prisoner of war. Bigfoot Sightings. Soldiers can be heard saying they "wish they had gas to burn them" as the 39 captives were marched to a cliff's edge and shot. He served with the 51st Regiment, cleaning up after the battle of Gettysburg, then enlisted in the 42nd New York Infantry as a paid substitute for George Dearborn, who was buying his way out of the draft. That’s how he ended up in Washington, D.C., at the end of the war. The Confederacy lost 260,000 dead. 0 comments, Countless eyewitness descriptions allow us to evoke the popular image of the ragged Rebel,,, Posted on 07/03/2015 at 03:15 PM in Confederates, Soldier's Stories | Permalink Psychologically, people are put in situations with numerous traumas, such as ubiquitous death, fighting and abuse, making P.O.W camps a minefield for psychological disorders. “Soldiers you meet everywhere about the city,” Whitman wrote, “often superb looking young men, though invalids dressed in worn uniforms, and carrying canes or, perhaps, crutches. Session 1, tape 1, story 3, Ernest Withers discusses a slave ancestor’s murder during the Civil War. Since enlisting in Company B of the Wisconsin 7th Infantry, he had heard many gunshots. 0 comments, P.O.W’s And The Civil War - Psychological Disorders-PTSD. The Story the Soldiers Wouldn't Tell: Sex in the Civil War. The American Civil War was notable for the savagery with which Americans slaughtered each other. Surviving Andersonville: A Civil War Soldier’s Story June 21, 1864, marked the first day of the Battle of Jerusalem Plank Road, the opening engagement in what would become the Army of the Potomac’s nine-month siege of Petersburg, Va. For Elisha Davis Conklin, though, it … Drew more cooking vessels p.m. division sergeants sent communication to Capt. -SARAH A. M. FORD Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. Photo: Corporal Calvin Bates of Co. E, 20th Maine Infantry, reminds us that not all amputations resulted from bullet wounds. In Best Little Stories from the Civil War, soldiers describe their first experiences in battle, women observe the advances and retreats of armies, spies recount their methods, and leaders reveal the reasoning behind many of their public actions. from:, Posted on 03/07/2015 at 02:26 PM in Prisoners of war, Soldier's Stories | Permalink 9th Division drew cooked rations again. 1:36. Are you familiar with the historical military practice of drumming a soldier out of the army? An Incident, Anything But Amusing. When the tensions between the North and the South erupted into civil war, the Shriver brothers found themselves on opposite sides. | Fascinating characters come to life, including: In this they were like many other families in the mid-Maryland border region. (While the war officially ended in April, the last battle didn't happen until May.) The well was wide and only about nine feet deep. Fired in 1863 at the siege of Vicksburg by Union soldier Peter Knapp, right, the bullet reappeared in 1921 when Meadows was stricken with a violent coughing spell. Soldiers could be drummed out for a variety of reasons, from thievery to desertion. So in addition to being drummed out, the local newspaper would sometimes write about the man’s crime to make it public. What we do know is that millions of people grieved for the loss of loved ones. As soon as I filled my canteens I passed them among the men and kept returning for more water until the well was dry. | The fight to survive in hellish places like Andersonville, Libby, Salisbury and Douglas was exceedingly stressful. One of the most intense contributing factors to psychological effects and disorders were the prisoner of war (P.O.W) camps. Walt Whitman’s Civil War: Stories of the Wounded. When the Civil War broke out, he was 15. In “Chinese Yankee,” McCunn tells of the boredom and the battles Sylvanus saw while also describing the conditions and disease that blinded him. However, drumming out eventually fell out of favor as a punishment, and by World War II it had largely been dropped altogether in the U.S. Posted on 09/19/2015 at 03:37 PM in Everyday life in the Civil War, Soldier's Stories | Permalink He didn't know what to do with it until client Paul Perrone noticed the name Lt. Edwin Coe engraved on the weapon. There were some three thousand soldiers in the Confederate cavalry. Fired in 1863 at the siege of Vicksburg by Union soldier Peter Knapp, right, the bullet reappeared in 1921 when Meadows was stricken with a violent coughing spell. They were gentlemanly and represented the best manhood of Kentucky and their native states. Some of the most detestable incidences in the war occurred inside these camps. | I live in a state covered with Civil War sites, and the facts of history alone paint the picture of the horrors of that war. Born in Hong Kong as Aw Yee Way, Sylvanus was orphaned and lived in the care of an American woman who decided to bring him to the United States to be educated at age eight. This physician and medical historian reminds me of Alfred Kinsey in his research on human sexuality. He was sent to a hospital to recover and eventually regained some of his sight, but his vision varied from poor to non-existent for the rest of his life. After this short period of service we were mustered out; and Morgan, the raider, with his men went their way with their jangling and clanking of arms to disappear in the horizon toward old Paris.”. 0 comments. I didn’t refuse but hurried across the road to Mr. Alexander’s Robinson’s well where two or three other boys were drawing water for the Raider’s men with a windlass. Photo courtesy of the Kilburn familyFor 58 years, the Civil War-era bullet that took the right eye of Confederate soldier Willis Meadows, left, was lodged near his brain. The three million soldiers who served in the Civil War each represent a unique story waiting to be told. "I thought it was unusual just because I've never bought one before I decided to buy it and decided to keep it," said Gonzalez. Feb. 19, 1865 (Sunday)Slight frost, fine morning, some rumors of exchange. Soldiers Motivation In The Civil War 1074 Words 5 Pages Perhaps no one were expecting the secession of eleven states and creation of Confederate States of America in 1861 would be the beginning of a civil war that lasts four years and takes so many lives. Thanks to Worcester State history students and a few volunteers, each of their stories is now known. Read the full article by Jeanette Wolff:, Posted on 11/17/2014 at 01:31 PM in Soldier's Stories, Yankees | Permalink They showed the strain of a hurried and harassed march; both men and beast were weary. Voices From The Civil War- First Hand Account Of Morgan’s Raiders-  They were gentlemanly and represented the best manhood of Kentucky and their native states. Stackpole Books. It is virtually impossible to measure the human costs of the Civil War, the hardships and suffering it caused. to care for soldiers throughout the war and more than 5,000 pastors and Christian laypeople contributed their time. After the bloody Battle of Shiloh during the early American Civil War, over 16,000 soldiers were left wounded on the muddy fields of Southwestern Tennessee. Feb. 23, 1865 (Thursday)Slight shower in night, many rumors of exchange in rebel papers yesterday. An organization, the United States Christian Commission, sprang forth from the Y.M.C.A. Early in his presidency, Abe was convinced that white … | 472 pp. Coe was a union solder from Worcester, Massachusetts. The one-time mortal enemies were reunited as friends. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Becomes the Captain America: Civil War Sequel We Needed In The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode 3: "Power Broker," Sam and … The soldier's-eye-view gives these stories a graphic realism. The ranks were in perfect alignment; troops were at attention, as the commanding officer, Colonel Preston, inspected the men. In spite of being almost blind and having been discharged with a disability, Sylvanus reenlisted twice. 0 comments, Ruthanne Lum McCunn, chronicles Thomas Sylvanus' story in her latest book, “Chinese Yankee. Virginian Robert Carter Recalls the War. Following his transfer from Confederate prison camps in Mississippi and Alabama, Ely was imprisoned at infamous Camp Sumter in Georgia. Harper, Judith E. Women during the Civil War: An Encyclopedia. In all, around 360,000 Union soldiers died as a direct result of the war. The convict would then be marched between the lines of his fellow soldiers to the tune of “Rogue’s March,” and he would be taken to the entrance of the camp, where he was sent on his way with orders to never return. | During the Civil War, “Yankee Doodle” was sometimes played instead of “Rogue’s March.”. Feb. 18, 1865 (Saturday)Beautiful morning and day. Even so, his memories concerning John Morgan’s cavalry raid through his neighborhood were still fresh in his mind. As you search for more primary sources about soldiers during the Civil War, be certain to search Civil War and American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1940. Captured During Longstreet's Charge at Gettysburg. A Queer Civil War Soldier’s Story As a man who found intimacy with another soldier, in a relationship that outlasted the war, Alphons Richter’s story is queer to modern readers. 0 comments, Spencer Bronson figured the gunshot he heard was part of the play. During a battle at Saunders Field, the Union and Confederate … A soldier's stories of the Civil War May 28, 1999 By John Gould; My grandfather never had a good word to say about the State of Virginia. He bought it in 2012 in from an estate dealer. Untangling the strangeness of the emotional, Richter provides insight into the queer history of the United States. I foolishly read these before bed- … Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress, Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861 to 1877, American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1940, Captured During Longstreet's Charge at Gettysburg, Zouave ambulance crew demonstrating removal of wounded soldiers from the field; another view, Nurses and officers of the U.S. Sanitary Commission, Officers of the 114th Pennsylvania Infantry playing cards in front of tents, Noncommissioned officers' mess of Co. D, 93d New York Infantry, Col. John R. Coxe, A.C.S., and lady seated before his log-cabin winter quarters at Army of the Potomac headquarters, National Expansion and Reform, 1815 - 1880, African-American Soldiers During the Civil War, Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945. The Civil War touched every person and influenced every institution more profoundly than any other event in American history. Posted on 03/17/2015 at 10:26 AM in Confederates, Soldier's Stories | Permalink Uniforms were ill-fitting; sleeves were too short, trouser legs too long, only adding to their multifarious appearance., Civil war sword returned to soldier killed in battle,,, 30th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry (US), Alabama Confederate Military Unit Histories, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Uniforms were in shreds and tatters, described more appropriately as “multiforms”; faces were unshaven, unkempt hair stuck through slouch hats of all shapes and sizes, and the dusty roads only served to cake the soldiers in further filth. Shortly after the Emancipation Proclamation enabled African American men to enlist in the Union army in 1863, Alexander Thomas Augusta stood before … Read more on ... More stories from War. At one point, Andersonville detained thirty-two thousand men but the original capacity was for only ten thousand men. Over half a million young Americans gave their lives fighting for or against the effort by Southern states to secede from the Union and preserve a … The overall number of dead that resulted from the Civil War nearly equals the number of American soldiers killed in every other military action up to the present. - Ajamu Amiri Dillahunt • 1d. When Sherman’s soldiers liberated Andersonville, they found some prisoners completely emaciated. Historians have long blamed the generals who used tactics devised in a day of less lethal weaponry for generating up to then unheard of casualty figures, but outdated tactics are only a part of the story. Sometimes he was dressed in felon’s clothes or white feathers were placed above his ears, and other times a rope was put around his neck and he would be led by the smallest drummer boy. In this Civil War story, Carter Druse, a young soldier from a wealthy Virginia family elects to fight for the Union. Doane was 81 years old when interviewed by workers of the WPA Federal Writer’s Project –. Usually, during a drumming out, the guilty man’s head was shaved, the insignia and buttons taken from his uniform, and a sign detailing his crime hung around his neck. Trapped in Meadows' head for nearly 58 years, here was the Civil War bullet, a one-ounce slug that had taken out the Confederate veteran's right eye when he was just a boy. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (CWSS) is a database containing information about the men who served in the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War. (By “scalloway,” Ely probably meant “scalawag.”). Many of the horses left were really better than the ones taken but were worn out and many had sore backs. Use such terms as soldier, Union soldier, Confederate soldier, and the names of specific Civil War battles, such as Antietam, Chancellorsville, Cold Harbor and Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was the largest battle in North America.It has many ghost stories. HENRY CLAY THURSTON - THE TALLEST REBEL - 4TH MISSOURI CAVALRY 7 FEET 2 INCHES.BORN ON 4 MAY 1830 IN GREENVILLE, S.C.ALTHOUGH OFTEN A HEIGHT OF UP TO 7 FOOT 7 AND A HALF INCHES IS ATTRIBUTED TO HIM STORY TOLD BY HENRY AT THE 1909 REUNION: The  Rebel Army Company was lined up for “dress parade” somewhere in northern Arkansas. Documents. After 58 years, Meadows would meet the Union soldier who shot him. 0 comments, Sgt. She was in poor health and turned the child over to Dr. Sylvanus Mills, who was on board the same ship., Posted on 07/11/2015 at 01:28 PM in Cavalry, Confederates, Soldier's Stories | Permalink [12]Quentin Mease (The HistoryMakers A2004.224), interviewed by Larry … Although no two men had the exact same journey into the army, experience in battle or emotional response to their involvement, similar threads weave their way through a significant number of these narratives. Thus, as we examine the life of the common soldier, we do so through lenses of both … Costa and Kahn, both professors at UCLA, used the life stories of 40,000 Civil War soldiers to explore how social dynamics influenced the motivation, behavior and thinking processes of these soldiers. Mr. Johnson, interviewed near his home in Indiana during the 1930s, was a young man during the Civil War. The novel is told through the eyes of Henry Fleming, a young soldier caught up in an unnamed Civil War battle who is motivated not by the unselfish heroism of conventional war stories, but by fear, cowardice, and finally, egotism. The documents listed tell stories of and about soldiers during the Civil War. In chilling detail Bronson wrote to his sister Amanda Bronson back home in Fall River, Wis., what happened next: Posted on 03/16/2015 at 10:23 AM in Lincoln, Soldier's Stories | Permalink Still others speak about action during the war and provide glimpses into how the Civil War was fought and how the soldiers experienced the war. At the conclusion of the conflict, these “delegates” submitted around 10,000 short stories, of which more … The Soldiers' Orphanage cellar is said to make psychics too afraid to enter the house, due to its legend. He served in the 57th Massachusetts Regiment and died on June 16, 1864, leading a charge during the Battle of Petersburg. A prisoner at Andersonville, Bates suffered inhumane treatment at the hands of his prison guards. TRIUMPH AMIDST BLOODSHED gives eyewitness accounts about hundreds of Union soldiers. Many more soldiers were wounded; some wounds maimed their victims for life. 0 comments. Black Soldiers and the Civil War | AAIHS. Whenever they saw a horse they wanted they exchanged their worn out horse for it usually with the suggestion of “Let’s Swap, I think you can plow all right with this horse”. Carter's orders are to prevent a … In 1862, President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation opened the door for African Americans to enlist in the Union Army. This process of dishonorably discharging a soldier had its origins in the British army in the 17th century and was later picked up by the American military. “… The gray figures of Morgan’s men appeared out of the distance. In both cases, Sylvanus managed to hide the fact that his vision was so limited. P.M. some 800 prisoners came in, were the sick left at Meridian, captured of Hood. Feb. 22, 1865 (Wednesday)Washington birthday. Bonnet Brigades: American Women and the Civil War (1966), excellent overview North and South; reissued as Women in the Civil War (1994) Lowry, Thomas Power (1994). We find him posted on sentry duty, guarding the valley where five regiments of Union soldiers are hunkered down and hiding. The Rebel soldier - what did he look like? First published in 1895, this small masterpiece set the pattern for the treatment of war in modern fiction. 0 comments. 0 comments. One cruel irony follows another in these horror stories drawn from a war replete with them. Massey, Mary. Suffering of being almost blind and having been discharged with a disability, Sylvanus managed to hide the that... Soldiers died as civil war stories from soldiers slave familiar with the historical military practice of drumming soldier! He had heard many gunshots harper, Judith E. Women during the Civil War each represent unique... Know what to do with it until client Paul Perrone noticed the name Lt. Coe! Midst of the nation ’ s March. ” another in these horror stories drawn from a wealthy Virginia elects. 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