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[fn]Crisis Group interviews, traditional chiefs, local population and administrative authorities, Maroua, Logone and Chari, March 2016.Hide Footnote, At present, Cameroon counts more than 155,000 internally displaced persons and 73,000 Nigerian refugees linked to the conflict with Boko Haram. On a social and cultural level, the state should rapidly increase and improve education and health services in the Far North and deploy incentives or even compulsion to encourage parents to overcome any social reservations and send their children to school; priority should be given to the most vulnerable communities. There are of course exceptions, such as Abouem Atchoyi, former higher education minister and former governor of the Southwest and the Northwest, who published a long article in January 2017 asserting the legitimacy of Anglophone demands. Crisis Group interviews, customs officers, Yaoundé, April 2016. “Plus de 200 kg de cannabis saisis sur la route de l’Extrême-Nord”,, 13 July 2016. Crisis Group interviews, bishops, priests, teachers and the university chancellor, 2017.Hide Footnote, The Anglophone protest movement also caused division among Francophones and Anglophones within the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon (NECC). [fn]Crisis Group interviews, senior officials, Yaoundé, 2017; prefects and deputy prefects, North Cameroon and Yaoundé, 2016-2017.Hide Footnote But there is a serious risk that the crisis could deteriorate and, in time, destabilise the country. They brandished placards with slogans against violence and the politicisation of their problems. However, in the Anglophone part, until 1968, this appointment only validated the prior election of the prime minister by the parliament of West Cameroon. The “Grassfields”, better known as the Bamiléké, are originally from Francophone West regions and some of them from the Anglophone Northwest region. The war has nonetheless had a negative effect on the country’s economy and has created ethnic and social cleavages, as seen in the stigmatisation of the Kanuri people in the Far North, often indiscriminately associated with the jihadist group. The Italian government recently declared that it was opposed to the payment of ransoms. While many Francophones say they support the Anglophones’ demands,[fn]Crisis Group interviews, Francophone academics and trade union leaders, December 2016 and March 2017.Hide Footnote the latter believe that this support is in word only and that Francophones do not really understand the problems that stem from being a minority. [fn]“Tendances, profil et déterminants de la pauvreté au Cameroun entre 2001 et 2014”, National Institute of Statistics (INS), December 2015, p. 43.Hide Footnote Vulnerabilities are higher in rural areas, particularly in the localities on the border with Nigeria, with a poverty rate above 80 per cent in Fotokol, Kolofata and Mayo Moskota districts – those that are most affected by the conflict with Boko Haram. These formats have been specially designed to be cross-platform compatible with all PCs, Laptops, PDAs, Kindle DX, Kindle 3 iPad/iPods, eReaders, or Smartphones. The Fatimids replaced the Abbasid after their crushing defeat in 1258 at the hands of the Mongols in Baghdad, and reinvigorated the authenticity of heredity in Islam. [fn]Some European diplomats have criticised the U.S. position citing as an example the fact that the firm that is helping the Cameroonian government to monitor and filter social media sites is American. Blue Pipe operations are carried out within a five-kilometre range against smaller targets and are launched on the direct orders of BIR-Alpha sector commanders. When the multiparty system was restored in the 1990s, the Anglophones seized the opportunity to make their grievances heard. The second priority should be support for farming and fishing around Lake Chad, and on the fertile land of Mayo Danay, Mayo Kani and Mayo Tsanaga. The Almoravid, who originated on the third cataract of the Northern Senegal River, marched in the hopes of eliminating pagan practices. [fn]This manoeuvre aims to damage France in the eyes of the Cameroonian public and thus limit  its scope to demand political reforms. [fn]The amount of the ransom is unknown. 4 (1981), pp. being or becoming a Sufi), generally translated as Sufism, is commonly defined by Western authors as Islamic mysticism. But anyway, see the edit history of my answer and you'll find direct reference to a US address extractor that might help you. [fn]The biggest thefts were: 4,244 head of cattle in January 2016 in Makary, Hile Alifa and Fotokol, 500 head in Ashigashia on 5 November 2014, 350 head on 6 December 2014 in Guidi, 200 head on 20 January in Djabiré and around 7,000 sheep and cattle from 2013 until 2015 in Mayo Moskota. A Cameroonian who formerly studied in Sudan described having witnessed the radicalisation of Nigerian and Cameroonian friends and the formation of the first cells after Yusuf’s death. Some prison authorities present this as a technique for de-radicalisation, but mixing the two categories of detainees carries the inverse risk that common criminals will become indoctrinated or that members who were initially less extreme will become more radicalised. After a phase of conventional conflict between March 2014 and June 2015, the group focused mainly on planting improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and then suicide attacks – whose frequency reached a peak in early 2016. Some want to prioritise diplomatic offensives, while others put the emphasis on supporting Operation Ghost Town. They have foiled about fifteen suicide attacks and helped to secure the arrest of about 100 Boko Haram members. David Abouem Atchoyi, “Le problème Anglophone pourrait devenir le nouveau Boko Haram”, Le Jour, 10 January 2017.Hide Footnote, However, the crisis has also raised awareness. But one year later, taking advantage of divisions among the Anglophones, Ahidjo called for the creation of a single party in the two Cameroons, in the name of national unity. These are operations that take place more than ten kilometres inside the Nigerian frontier against targets that are rated as important. Cameroonian security forces, starting in 2013, dismantled hidden weapon stockpiles and arrested Boko Haram leaders, pushing the group to threaten and eventually attack Cameroon directly. Southern Cameroons became independent on 1 October 1961 when it joined the Republic of Cameroon. These police should be trained to respect human rights in the specific context of rebellion, the fight against terrorism and operations among a traumatised population. The spread of Islam among the Yoruba began late, well after the nineteenth century conversions of Wolof (a West African state that ruled parts of Senegal from 1360 to 1890), and increased after Fulbe (an ethnic group spread over many countries, predominantly in West Africa) conquests of the 1800s. [fn]Crisis Group interviews, academics and researchers at the Paul Ango Ela Foundation, Yaoundé, March-May 2017.Hide Footnote There were some indications, such as the positions taken during the negotiations and confirmed in several interviews, that some members of the regime in Yaoundé tried to strengthen the position of the more radical Anglophones with the aim of presenting the Anglophone contestation as a dangerous attempt to divide the country. It only took a dominant role after the 17 January arrest of Consortium leaders. The authorities and the security forces also used tough methods to break the movement, intimidating the public and printing companies that produced pamphlets, and threatening heads of schools and business owners with revoking their licences if they took part in the strikes. [fn]Ever since the colonial period, the relationship between the Kotoko and the Choa Arabs has been characterised by periodic bouts of violence and, since 1992, by vigorous political competition for control over land in Logone and Chari – to the advantage of the Choa Arabs because of their greater numbers. 17 December 2015, target Djimini. By the end of the eighteenth century, classical forms of the new religion overrode the old parity between tradition and Islam, with Muslim reformers now considering a break with the traditional past a necessity demanded by Islam. Crisis Group interviews, humanitarian NGOs, families hosting displaced people and administrative authorities, Far North, 2016. Crisis Group observations, 2016.Hide Footnote The Nigerian modibo have always travelled around northern Cameroon and in 2014, their portraits were still on display in rural buses throughout the region. The local economy is based on the oil sector (9 per cent of GDP), timber (4.5 per cent), intensive agriculture, including large plantations owned by the Cameroon Development Corporation and other smaller plantations that supply Douala and the countries of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community, as well as cocoa, rubber, etc. In order to consolidate military gains against Boko Haram and bring back lasting peace in the Far North, Cameroon’s government must shift from a security-based approach to focus on socio-economic development and countering religious radicalism. Some moved to N’Djamena because of the insecurity and the closure of the border with Nigeria. Crisis Group interviews, academics and trade unionists, Bamenda, April 2017. He has since remained behind bars. Rather it lay in the earliest years when, the ten years of the prophet’s rule in Medina, and perhaps the thirty years following his death were conceived as having formed an age in which human society had come as near to perfection as could be hoped for…”. 86-118.Hide Footnote At the federal level, despite the constitutional guarantee that English and French would both be official languages, French was the administration’s language of preference. In 1965, in order to further weaken Foncha, who he believed to be less accommodating on the Anglophone question, Ahidjo tried to use his constitutional powers to appoint Muna as prime minister rather than Ngom Jua, Foncha’s heir apparent in the KNDP, the majority party in the West Cameroon parliament. Although the government has made some concessions, it must rebuild mutual trust with Anglophone actors in order to avoid instability ahead of the 2018 general elections. The position of the Social Democratic Front, which rejected secession and proposed, in the context of Francophone opposition to a two-state federal system, a four-state federal system, was judged to be ambiguous by some Anglophone militants, who in 1995, formed movements calling for two-state federalism or secession:[fn]The other movements were the Cameroon Anglophone Movement (CAM), the Free West Cameroon Movement (FWM), the Southern Cameroons Restoration Movement (SCRM) and the Ambazonia Movement. Pointing to his generosity with gold, an account of his visit to Egypt while on his way to hajj tells of the Egyptian economy taking a nosedive upon his departure. Major Islamic empires (or caliphates) include Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, and Ottoman. Where the Sahara married the Sahel (a region between the Sahara  in the North and the Sudan savannas in the south), two worlds solidified through language and trade. For more information, see Crisis Group Africa Reports N°168, Far North: History of a Vulnerable Region, Far North: Between Violence and Smuggling. [fn]Besides Amchidé and the three towns mentioned above, several communities in Hile Alifa, Darak, Makary and Mayo Moskota districts were controlled for several days by Boko Haram because the security forces were absent or had difficulty in reaching the affected areas. Crisis Group Briefing. cit. In the 1990s, climate change and deep poverty in rural areas – home to 85 per cent of the population – exacerbated the competition for access to natural resources in a region already suffering intercommunal tensions and recurrent episodes of violence. Yet in a letter to the president’s office just months earlier, members of the government and senior officials originally from the north had estimated cost the development needs of the area at a minimum of FCFA1,600 billion ($2.8 billion). The deployment of the Cameroonian sector of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) in October 2015 constituted the final component of this security response. Crisis Group interview, senator SDF, Yaoundé, March 2017; “. Crisis Group interview, Bishop of Buea, May 2017; “Memorandum presented to the head of State on the current situation of unrest in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon”, Bamenda Provincial Episcopal Conference, 22 December 2017. Crisis Group interview, senator SDF, Yaoundé, March 2017; “Wirba joseph Cameroonian Parliamentarian defies speaker of the house on Anglophone problem”, YouTube, 13 December 2016; “Crise Anglophone: Joseph Wirba charge Fru Ndi”, Le Messager, 6 April 2017. [fn]Crisis Group observations at several ministries, Yaoundé, March-May 2017.Hide Footnote The crisis has highlighted the economic resilience of the Anglophones, which is essentially based on the solidarity of Anglophones living in the Francophone zone and abroad. [fn]Crisis Group interviews, Cameroonian soldiers, Tourou, Mabass, Kolofata and Amchidé, 2016.Hide Footnote, The army has been routinely targeted by conventional attacks, staged by 50 to 200 insurgents, while attacks on villages have involved as few as five to 50 fighters. But the UK and some developing countries were against it on the grounds that Southern Cameroons would not be economically viable and that it was best to avoid the creation of micro-states. Intelligence improved, in part thanks to the purchase of tactical drones and a Cessna surveillance aircraft, and to enhanced cooperation with Nigerian counterparts. [fn]Crisis Group interview, senior official at the presidency, Yaoundé, December 2016.Hide Footnote “What can the Anglophones do? The state should also encourage and support displaced populations who wish to return and protect the properties of those who do not yet plan to go home, and do so in accordance with the parameters set out under the tripartite agreement between Cameroon, Nigeria and UNHCR. Crisis Group interviews, traders and transporters, Kousseri, March 2016.Hide Footnote Finally, it managed to establish itself in the Far North by building alliances with blamas (district chiefs) and lawans (second-ranking chiefs), traders and transport operators, smugglers and former highway bandits – and by setting up a leadership team for Cameroon. [fn]Crisis Group estimates based on open sources and interviews with administrative authorities and the security forces. Anglophones are therefore no poorer than people in the north and east, but they are much poorer than people in Douala and Yaoundé with who they often compare themselves and where the rate is 4.2 and 5.4 per cent respectively. This new multilateral force has slowed down the frequency of suicide attacks in Cameroon and is currently engaged against a dissident faction of the group in the Lake Chad Basin. [fn]Crisis Group interviews, senior officials and officers, Yaoundé, December 2016, March 2017.Hide Footnote, After the arrest of Consortium leaders on 17 January, continued school closures and an intensification of Operation Ghost Town, the government took measures in the justice and education sectors to try to calm the situation. Crisis Group interviews, residents and academics, Far North, March 2016. African Muslims produced five empires: Takur (what is now southeastern Mauritania, and Western Mali) which was lukewarm to Islam; the loosely governed Kanem (what is now the countries of Chad, Nigeria and Libya) and its successor-state Bornu; Ghana, although it never claimed Islam as the state religion but is considered by many the first African Muslim nation; Mali, the most written about; and Songhay the most fought over. Despite some mistrust, the countries in the region have been able to establish the MNJTF and Nigeria finally accepted that Cameroon may intervene on its territory. Crisis Group interviews, researchers at Paul Ango Ela Foundation and academics, Yaoundé, January and June 2016. This should be complemented with support for local community radio stations and the extension of the reach of national Cameroonian broadcasters, with programs in Kanuri, Hausa, Fulfulde and Arab, to foster a sense of national inclusiveness and broadcast programs warning against religious radicalism in languages that local people can understand. On 22 August 1983, he divided the Anglophone region into two provinces: Northwest and Southwest. After arrest, several Nigerian and Chadian members of Boko Haram were found to have Cameroonian identity documents. 920. Crisis Group interview, deputy chief of staff of BIR-Alpha, Kolofata, March 2016. The reform movements in Africa, however, also included destructive episodes such as the raids and chaos caused by the Ethiopian Muslim Ahmad Gran. The fight against Boko Haram is a test for security cooperation and sub-regional solidarity. Crisis Group interviews, magistrate, Anglophone and Francophone lawyers, Douala, Buea and Bamenda, March-May 2017; and email correspondence, president of the Northwest Lawyer's Association (NOWELA), 29 May 2017. The Bamiléké and the Sawa are two important ethnic groups in Cameroon. The haughty attitude and cynicism of senior government officials, notably when they say that “as long as the Anglophones do not take up arms, the current strike does not worry [us] unduly”, could promote instability. It is difficult to confirm the accuracy of this perception. [fn]Crisis Group interview, defence ministry spokesperson, Yaoundé, February 2016.Hide Footnote. Crisis Group interviews, police officers, customs officials and a former fuel smuggler, Far North, Yaoundé, March and April 2016.Hide Footnote Before the 2011 presidential election, local elites handed out identity cards to thousands of residents of frontier localities, irrespective of their nationality, hoping they would vote for the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM); this made it easier for criminals and non-Cameroonian members of Boko Haram to get identity documents. After having suffered defeats, and seeing the need to counter the mobility and capacity of the security forces to react quickly when under attack, Boko Haram began to plant IEDs. [fn]They brandished placards with slogans against violence and the politicisation of their problems. [fn]“Afadé : 3 militaires accusés d’exactions interpellés”, L’œil du Sahel, 25 July 2016.Hide Footnote. The ruling CPDM and its ally, the National Union for Democracy and Progress (UNDP), are dominant in the region and the war against Boko Haram has thus bolstered the popularity of President Paul Biya. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. [fn]Possession of several national identity cards is fairly commonplace in the Lake Chad region. Some Nigerian towns controlled by Boko Haram – such as Banki, Dilbe, Bama, Gambaru and Ngoshi – were part of Cameroon in the colonial era and even after independence. See Crisis Group Reports, Cameroon: The Threat of Religious Radicalism, op. Within the secessionist movement, divergences persist about strategy and operational methods. Inter-communal conflicts, often rooted in old ethnic rivalries and pre-colonial struggles, and instability in neighbouring Chad and the Central African Republic, fuelled smuggling networks and accentuated this insecurity. 2 (1997), pp. The government and senior administration should be re-organised to better reflect the demographic, political and historical importance of the Anglophones, and to include younger and more legitimate members of the Anglophones community. [fn]This reduction was in part due to the exchange rate imposed by Ahidjo, who set it at £1 to FCFA692, even though £1 was in fact worth FCFA800. Crisis Group estimates based on open sources and interviews. 35, no. Crisis Group interviews, academics, Buea and Bamenda, March-April 2017. [fn]Crisis Group interviews, economists and statisticians, Yaoundé, December 2016, March 2017.Hide Footnote In 2016, the Anglophone regions were among the most digitally connected in Cameroon, just behind Douala and Yaoundé. “Right Cause, Wrong Means: Human Rights Violated and Justice Denied in Cameroon’s Fight against Boko Haram”, Amnesty International, July 2016.Hide Footnote The government denies this and insists that disciplinary measures were taken against “black sheep”. In that context, several steps should be taken without delay: In the longer term, Cameroon must undertake institutional reforms to remedy the deeper problems of which the Anglophone issue is the symptom. Crisis Group interviews, police officers, customs officials and a former fuel smuggler, Far North, Yaoundé, March and April 2016. The BIR has trained several vigilante groups in the collection of intelligence. [fn]Crisis Group interviews, academics and journalists in the Far North, 2016.Hide Footnote Under pressure from Nigeria and facing incursions along the frontier, Cameroon began to dismantle Boko Haram’s arms caches. They raise the bar high in order to obtain at least an effective decentralisation, with genuine autonomy for the country’s ten regions, starting with improvements to and the full application of current laws on decentralisation. Konings, Nyamnjoh. [fn]Jean-François Bayart, L’Etat au Cameroun (Paris, 1985); Nicodemus Fru Awasom, “Anglo-saxonism and Gallicism in Nation Building in Africa: The Case of Bilingual Cameroon and the Senegambia Confederation in Historical and Contemporary Perspective”, Afrika Zamani, nos. Crisis Group interviews, European diplomats, Yaoundé, July 2017. “Cameroun: Paul Biya confronté à la triple pression de l’ONU, des Etats-Unis et du Vatican”. These countries and organisations should encourage the Cameroonian government to take measures to calm the situation, engage in a genuine dialogue and reform the governance model, including the implementation of decentralisation. Crisis Group interviews, president of the national union of higher education teachers (. The imam of Kerawa’s central mosque and several of his relatives were killed by their own children. Crisis Group email correspondence, senior officials and economists, July 2016. He arrived without concrete proposals, perhaps expecting that the promise of dialogue and his presence would be enough to end the strike. The gendarmerie has opened an investigation into this episode. ensuring transparency and good governance of projects initiated in the Far North, in partnership with local populations, including youth and representatives of different ethnic communities. Crisis Group interviews, foreign affairs ministry and defence ministry, Yaoundé, April-September 2016. Cameroon’s role in the fight against Boko Haram reinforces this attitude. For example, in 2016, only two Anglophones were among the 138 admitted to the National Youth and Sports Centre (. The UN Special Representative for Central Africa visited Yaoundé in February and April. Crisis Group interviews, economists and statisticians, Yaoundé, December 2016, March 2017. “Ventilation de l’économie camerounaise”, INS, 2016. On 23 January 2017, the president of the Republic created a National Commission for Bilingualism and Multiculturalism. It would be necessary to differentiate between forcibly recruited members, informers and those who provided minor practical assistance (forcibly recruited or not) but are not suspected of involvement in serious crimes such as torture, murder, forced disappearances etc. Crisis Group interviews, intelligence officers, Yaoundé, August 2016.Hide Footnote In fact, the opposite is true: there is a serious risk that Cameroon will see a worsening spiral of violence, particularly in the Lake Chad area – Hile Alifa, Darak and Makary – and in Mayo Sava, Mayo Tsanaga and along the Waza road, as the growing number of attacks since June 2016 indicates. The campaign to determine final authority played out between the civil authority of court qadis (judges) represented on one side, and the ulama (Muslim scholars) who embraced Islamic theology, on the other side. Some Boko Haram members based in Nigeria often call their brothers and friends, or contact them through WhatsApp to suggest that they join the movement or ask for money or food supplies. Crisis Group interviews, Consortium members, Buea, May 2017.Hide Footnote. Only loyalty to their uniform and institutional discipline dissuade them from publicly expressing their support. The Anglophones of Cameroon, 20 per cent of the population, feel marginalised. The conflict has reinforced President Paul Biya’s leadership and boosted the legitimacy of the nation’s defence forces with parts of the population. Crisis Group interviews, Maroua, March 2016. Encourage the government’s development projects in the Far North, and coordinated initiatives in the sub-region for the development of the Lake Chad Basin, by guaranteeing 50 per cent financing, assuming suitable guarantees of the proper use of funds. ), Citoyenneté et pouvoir politique en Afrique centrale: état des lieux (Paris, 2016), pp. [fn]To the question as to whether a more public reaction would be appropriate, one ambassador in Yaoundé replied “I don’t know, but this is a question we ask ourselves every day”. A single cow sells for an average FCFA200,000 ($332) in the region and Boko Haram receivers sold them at FCFA150,000 ($249). In the process, they sent reformist signals to succeeding West African kings like Ahmed Tall, Uthman don Fodio, and Ibrahim Sori. The Sawa are originally from Francophone and Anglophone coastal regions, including the Francophone city of Douala and the Anglophone towns of the Southwest, such as Limbé and Buea. They had a decisive impact on public opinion and opened the Pandora’s box of the Anglophone problem. They adhered to the Maliki School which continues to dominate sub-Saharan Africa. Crisis Group interview, gendarmerie commander in the Far North, Maroua, March 2016. “Le Commandant de compagnie de Mokolo et deux gendarmes jetés en prison”, L’œil du Sahel, 31 August 2016.Hide Footnote That also means stepping up campaigns to inform the populations about security forces actions and taking their views into account. Compilation by Crisis Group on the basis of interviews with Anglophone militants and government officials and monitoring of publications by leaders of the movement on social networks from October 2016 to June 2017. In accordance with the ethics of Islam, the Almoravid, under two great leaders, Abdullah Ibn Yasin and Ibn Tashfin, sought, to reform Africans gravitating away from orthodox Islam as established by the Prophet Muhammad. The Ability Center of Greater Toledo v. Moline Builders, Inc. (N.D. Ohio) On August 10, 2020, the court issued an order granting partial summary judgment in favor of the plaintiffs and against the defendants in Ability Center, et al. The first Francophone magistrates were appointed to posts in the Anglophone part in 2002 and this trend intensified in 2014. [fn]Elites from other regions feel that the Far North is not the only region that is neglected and that this is the result not of a deliberate policy of marginalisation, but of a Cameroonian model of governance that does not focus much on peripheral regions. Crisis Group interviews, residents and displaced people, Mokolo, Mora and Kousseri, March 2016. Boko Haram : 1 200 morts depuis 2013”, BBC, 15 January 2016.Hide Footnote. 297-322.Hide Footnote Some Francophones make fun of Anglophones and support government repression. Malaysian PM-Muslims at crossroads. [fn]Crisis Group interviews, academics and population, Southwest and Northwest, 2017.Hide Footnote This new configuration shows the depth of the Anglophone problem. However, in the Anglophone part, until 1968, this appointment only validated the prior election of the prime minister by the parliament of West Cameroon.Hide Footnote The Anglophones, who were in a weak position, accepted Ahidjo’s constitution and only obtained a blocking minority by way of concession. These should be accompanied by a program to reinforce social cohesion and intercommunal relations, as part of an inclusive approach that favours initiatives emerging from civil society and the public. On 23 March, during President Biya’s visit to the Vatican, the Pope invited him to pursue dialogue and respect minorities. The reason why the crisis has not descended into armed violence is also that the main actors have not wanted it to. If a new attempt at decentralisation is going to be acceptable and effective, it must reduce the powers of administrators appointed by Yaoundé by creating regional councils, introducing elected regional presidents, transferring significant financial resources and powers, and implementing measures that are already provided for in law. Crisis Group interviews, traders, transport operators and agents responsible for territorial surveillance, Kousseri, Fotokol, Amchidé, Mora, March-April 2016. [fn]Some islets now have nicknames such as Afghanistan, Pakistan or Tora Bora. A minority favours secession. East of the Nile River, Christianity dominated and thus stunted the growth of Islam for more than five hundred years. Meanwhile, the government claimed that Ayah Paul Abine had been arrested at the Nigerian border in possession of a large sum of money. 40, no. The movement’s sympathisers regard the phrase as pejorative and tend not to use it. The other four covered issues such as the release of people arrested during the demonstrations, the adoption of an equitable five-year development plan and federalism. Even as early as the ninth century, slow commercial expansion of Takrur territories found receptive African converts. Tally established by Crisis Group based on open sources and interviews in the Far North in 2016. But although there have been incidental benefits for the president and the army, the fact that the Far North proved fertile terrain for Boko Haram reveals a deep crisis. To meet 21 of its members were Francophones have announced that they would sell the possessions of persons... To reduce poverty about his Arab Bedouin soldiers not disturbing the social Democratic was... Group’S presence in Cameroon’s Far North, 2016, Independences and reunification: Dreams... Led by Sufi leaders in prison and signed a communiqué calling for the last two-and-a-half years, the government. 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The Last Command, We'll Be The Stars, Outlaw Empires American Bikers, Mortal Error Film, The Price Of Fear,