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Boreal and Arctic regions are sensitive to impacts from mining and mining-related activities [29, 30], both on social and environmental systems: these northern latitudes are often considered harsh and thus challenging for human activities and industrial development. Boston: Pitman; 1984. Did you know… We have over 220 college Version 5.0 (AS Pullin, GK Frampton, B Livoreil & G Petrokofsky, Eds). We will include all impacts (positive, negative, direct and indirect) associated with any aspect of metal mining and its mitigation measures. Accessed 06 June 2018. This is a very efficient way of extracting coal from an underground mine. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 83,000 Phytoremediation of contaminated land is also an area of active research [28]. Exclude, no primary data (i.e. 2015;13:316–24. We will then extract detailed information relating to causal linkages between actions or impacts and measured outcomes, along with descriptive information about the articles and studies and enter data into an interactive systematic map database. Subsurface mining is actually less disruptive to the earth and produces less waste than surface mining, but it's also much less effective and more dangerous. Gibson G, Klinck J. Canada’s resilient north: the impact of mining on aboriginal communities. After mining. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Once removed, minerals are then processed and refined for our everyday use. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2016. p. 53–157. The absence of a consolidated knowledge base on the impacts of mining and the effectiveness of mitigation measures in Arctic and boreal regions is a significant knowledge gap in the face of the continued promotion of extractive industries. Polar lessons learned: long-term management based on shared threats in Arctic and Antarctic environments. 2001;15:163–76. Once screening is complete (see below), we will screen the reference lists of these reviews and include relevant full texts in the systematic map database. This runoff can end up in streams, rivers and lakes that are nearby. Strategic management: a stakeholder perspective, vol. Polar Geogr. Metal removal mechanisms in a short hydraulic residence time subsurface flow compost wetland for mine drainage treatment. Relevant reviews that are identified during screening will be reserved for assessment of potentially missed records. commentary, modelling article or similar) (study type). Mining can yield a range of benefits to societies, but it may also cause conflict, not least in relation to above-ground … 2006;354:198–211. None of the review team has authored or worked on research within this field prior to starting this project, but members of the Advisory Team and project Working Group will be prevented from providing advice or comments relating specifically to research papers to which they may have contributed. On the right side, the same watershed is shown after the mountain rock layers have been removed, crushed, and deposited in the stream valley. Meta-data extraction and coding will be performed by multiple reviewers following consistency checking on an initial coding of subset of between 10 and 15 full texts, discussing all disagreements. USA: Mining Laws and Regulations 2021. imaginable degree, area of 10. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2013. Johnson CJ, Boyce MS, Case RL, Cluff HD, Gau RJ, Gunn A, Mulders R. Cumulative effects of human developments on arctic wildlife. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Obiri-Nyarko F, Grajales-Mesa SJ, Malina G. An overview of permeable reactive barriers for in situ sustainable groundwater remediation. CAS  Terms and Conditions, Arctic. Wildl Monogr. Zhang X, Yang L, Li Y, Li H, Wang W, Ye B. Impacts of lead/zinc mining and smelting on the environment and human health in China. 2017:1–17. Download Full PDF Package. flashcard sets, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | 2011. California Privacy Statement, Anyone can earn In addition, we will hand search each website to locate and screen any articles found in publications or bibliography sections of the sites. We also thank Mistra EviEM for co-funding the first Advisory Group meeting and publication fees for the systematic map. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. We will search across 17 bibliographic databases as show in Table 2. READ PAPER. AMBIO. In: Bocking S, Martin B, editors. The minerals themselves are removed a number of different ways. With new technologies and a conscious effort to reduce the negative effects of mining, we may be able to find a balance in how we use these important resources and reduce our impacts on the earth. in the repurposing of mines to become tourist attractions. 2002;19:65–73. 2016;126:111–21. Coal mining has environmental impacts on air, water, and land. Visit the DSST Environmental Science: Study Guide & Test Prep page to learn more. Google Scholar. Haddaway NR, Kohl C, da Silva NR, Schiemann J, Spök A, Stewart R, Sweet JB, Wilhelm R. A framework for stakeholder engagement during systematic reviews and maps in environmental management. Loayza N, Rigolini J. 2005;3:116–39. Only when a kappa score of greater than 0.6 is obtained will a single reviewer screen the remaining records. Environmental impacts of mining. In a previous lesson, we learned about minerals, which are inorganic compounds, such as ores (like copper) and precious stones (like diamonds). Sarah has two Master's, one in Zoology and one in GIS, a Bachelor's in Biology, and has taught college level Physical Science and Biology. There are several different ways minerals can be extracted from the earth, but the two main methods are called surface mining and subsurface mining. 2015;10:e0138237. This systematic map aims to answer the question: What research evidence exists on the impacts of metal mining and its mitigation measures on social and environmental systems in Arctic and boreal regions? Ojolowo Saeed. What kind of minerals are in the Andes Mountains? flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? succeed. This process separates the impurities from the metal, but also creates air pollution because gases that are created as by-products (such as sulfur dioxide) may escape and reach the air. Such measures must be considered and outlined in environmental and social impact assessments (EIAs and SIAs) that are conducted prior to major activities such as resource extraction [24, 25]. - Definition, Types & Processes, How a Landform Diagram Describes the Geological Progression of a Landscape, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Evidence of Earth's Inner Layers, Rock Cycle: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks, Alfred Wegener's Theory of Continental Drift, Evidence for the Mechanism of Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics: A Unified Theory for Change of the Earth's Surface, Plate Boundaries: Convergent, Divergent, and Transform Boundaries, What Are Minerals? This group included government ministries and agencies such as the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, the Mineral Inspectorate (Bergstaten) and County Administrative Boards, the mining industries’ branch organisation (Svemin) and individual companies such as LKAB Minerals and Boliden AB, Sami organisations, including the Sami Parliament, related research projects, and representatives of international assessment processes, such as activities within the Arctic Council. To date, little research appears to have been conducted into mitigation measure effectiveness, and we were unable to find any synthesis or overview of the systems-level effectiveness of metal mining mitigation measures. Native ecosystems and aboriginal human communities are typically affected by multiple stressors, including climate change and pollution, for example. All rights reserved. Surface mining removes ore deposits that are close to the surface, and subsurface mining removes minerals that are deep underground. Correspondence to Mitchell CJ, O’Neill K. The Sherriff Creek Wildlife Sanctuary: further evidence of mine-site repurposing and economic transition in northern Ontario. PubMed Google Scholar. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Mahar A, Wang P, Ali A, Awasthi MK, Lahori AH, Wang Q, Li RH, Zhang ZQ. Mining can also have positive and negative impacts on humans and societies. Mining is also known to affect traditional practices of Indigenous peoples living in nearby communities [13], and conflicts in land use are also often present, as are other social impacts including those related to public health and human wellbeing (e.g. 2011:1–14. Dudka S, Adriano DC. Warhate S, Yenkie M, Chaudhari M, Pokale W. Impacts of mining activities on water and soil. Modelling studies and commentaries will not be included. Range selection by semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in relation to infrastructure and human activity in the boreal forest environment, northern Finland. Haley S, Klick M, Szymoniak N, Crow A. This material is called overburden, and as the overburden is scraped off, it's piled into spoil banks. Much like hot water dripping through coffee in a filter, rainwater picks up the harmful components in the ground and carries them off as surface and groundwater runoff. In terms of positive impacts, mining is often a source of local employment and may contribute to local and regional economies [18, 19]. Mitigation of negative environmental impacts in one system (e.g. Environmental impact of mining and mineral processing: management, monitoring, and auditing strategies. 2016;84:219–34. © 2021 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. We will display the contents of our systematic map database in an Evidence Atlas; an interactive, web-based geographical information system showing all meta-data and coding on a cartographic map. A set of 41 studies known to be relevant have been provided by the Advisory Team and Working Group (review team); the benchmark list (see Additional file 4). Some minerals are found very deep below Earth's surface - sometimes hundreds or thousands of feet deep! Exclude, not relevant metal mining (intervention/exposure) [this category is related to the above intervention/exposure exclusion criteria but will only be selected where all other criteria are met, facilitating expansion of the map in the future]. Knobblock EA, Pettersson Ö. SNL Financial. The search terms used will be based on the same terms used in the Google Scholar searches described above but will be adapted iteratively for each website depending on the relevance of the results obtained. 2010;188:61–75. Haddaway NR, Bayliss HR. Where records still cannot be obtained, requests for articles will be sent to corresponding authors where email addresses are provided and/or requests for full texts will be made through ResearchGate. Rayyan, EPPI Reviewer, Colandr). SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. After you've finished with this lesson, you'll be able to: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. All meta-data and coding will be included in a detailed systematic map database, with each line representing one study-location (i.e. a mitigation designed to affect an environmental change may have knock on changes in a social system. Environ Monit Assess. Sami people are affected by a range of external pressures, one of which pertains to resource extraction and land rights, particularly in relation to nomadic reindeer herding. Consistency checking on a subset of 10% will be undertaken at full text screening in a similar manner, followed by discussion of all disagreements. Hilson G. An overview of land use conflicts in mining communities. and career path that can help you find the school that's right for you. By using this website, you agree to our During scoping and development of the search string, the bibliographic database search results will be checked to ascertain whether any of these studies were not found. 2010. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Remediation of the potential environmental impacts, for example through water treatment and ecological restoration, can have positive net effects on environmental systems [20]. Springer Nature. In order to identify organisational grey literature, we will search for relevant evidence across the suite of organisational websites listed in Table 3. each independent study conducted in each independent location). Kottek M, Grieser J, Beck C, Rudolf B, Rubel F. World Map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification updated. 19 chapters | Fleming DA, Measham TG. In subsurface mining, a long tunnel is created either horizontally or vertically. Another method is solution mining, which is when hot water is injected into the ore to dissolve it. courses that prepare you to earn 's' : ''}}. Gold mining in the Peruvian Amazon: global prices, deforestation, and mercury imports. Polar Geogr. Tolerance limits of coral reefs to suspended sediment vary widely from <10 to >100 mg L −1. measured impacts) observed in social, technological and environmental systems will be included. Lawrence R, Larsen RK. 2014;84:494–501. Jain R, Cui Z, Domen J. Stakeholders were invited to a specific meeting (held at Stockholm Environment Institute in September 2018) to help refine the scope, define the key elements of the review question, finalise a search strategy, and suggest sources of evidence, and also to subsequently provide comments on the structure of the protocol . We focus on these metals as they represent approximately 88% of Arctic and boreal mines (according to relevant country operating mine data from 2015, [33]), and contains the top 5 minerals extracted in the region (gold, iron, copper, nickel and zinc). volume 8, Article number: 9 (2019) Professional Issues and Design Prerequisite: Senior standing. Mining activities, including prospecting, exploration, construction, operation, maintenance, expansion, abandonment, decommissioning and repurposing of a mine can impact social and environmental systems in a range of positive and negative, and direct and indirect ways. A wide range of technological engineering solutions have been implemented to treat contaminated waters (e.g. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. Anttonen M, Kumpula J, Colpaert A. Collaboration for Environmental Evidence. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2016. file-drawer) and organisational grey literature (as defined by [40]) will be performed in Google Scholar, which has been shown to be effective in retrieving these types of grey literature [41]. We will include social, technological and environmental systems in Arctic and boreal regions based on political boundaries as follows (this encompasses various definitions of boreal zones, rather than any one specific definition for comprehensiveness and ease of understanding): Canada, USA (Alaska), Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Norway (including Svalbard), Sweden, Finland, and Russia. The search strings used to search for literature in Google Scholar are described in detail in Additional file 3. We will display the results of the systematic mapping using a ROSES flow diagram [44]. The word mining sounds a lot like mineral, and that's no accident because mining is how minerals are removed from the ground. Appleton J, Weeks J, Calvez J, Beinhoff C. Impacts of mercury contaminated mining waste on soil quality, crops, bivalves, and fish in the Naboc River area, Mindanao, Philippines. 2001. We will narratively synthesise the relevant evidence base in our systematic map using descriptive plots and tables showing the number of studies identified across the variables described above. Explosions in old mining tunnels may also occur because the natural gas underground ignites very easily. Fenn Int J Geogr. Navarro M, Pérez-Sirvent C, Martínez-Sánchez M, Vidal J, Tovar P, Bech J. and environmental systems in circumpolar Arctic and boreal regions. Similarly, mining can alter environments, but remediation and mitigation can restore systems. Wiley Online Library. What are Marginal Cost, Marginal Extraction Cost and Marginal User Cost in terms of environmental economics? 2008;96:183–93. All search activities will be recorded and described in the systematic map report. Guidebook for evaluating mining project EIAs. Bibliographic database searches will be performed in English only, since these databases catalogue research using English titles and abstracts. Searches for academic (i.e. 2017. Article  We also thank the 3MK stakeholder group for valuable input. Search results will be exported from Google Scholar using Publish or Perish [42], which allows the first 1000 results to be exported. We will identify good research practices that may support researchers in selecting the best study designs where these are clear in the evidence base. Aust Psychiatry. ‘Mitigation measures’ (as described in the impact assessment literature) are implemented to avoid, eliminate, reduce, control or compensate for negative impacts and ameliorate impacted systems [23]. We will screen records at three levels: title, abstract and full text. Tengö M, Brondizio E, Malmer P, Elmqvist T, Spierenburg M. A multiple evidence base approach to connecting diverse knowledge systems for ecosystem governance. When the ore is found in a wide area but it's not very deep in the ground, strip mining is used. While mining provides us with the minerals we need, it is also very destructive because it disrupts the landscape both on the surface and underground. Log in here for access. © copyright 2003-2021 For each website, we will save the first 100 search results from each search string as PDF/HTML files and screening the results in situ, recording all relevant full texts for inclusion in the systematic map database. (4 credits) Multidisciplinary team design experience including consideration of codes, regulations, alternate solutions, economic factors, sustainability, constructability, reliability and aesthetics in the solution of a civil or environmental engineering problem. We use minerals for a variety of things, such as household products, jewelry and energy for cars and buildings. ROSES RepOrting standards for Systematic Evidence Syntheses: pro forma, flow-diagram and descriptive summary of the plan and conduct of environmental systematic reviews and systematic maps. Discuss one reason why surface coal mining is generally less expensive than subsurface mining. Jain R, Cui Z, Domen J. What are the disadvantages of mining on the environment? We will include both quantitative and qualitative research. Get unlimited access to over 83,000 lessons. A subset of 10% of all titles and abstracts will be screened by two reviewers, with all disagreements discussed in detail. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Veiga MM, Hinton JJ. Abandoned artisanal gold mines in the Brazilian Amazon: a legacy of mercury pollution. After the overburden is cleared from the ore, explosives are used to break up the ore material that is being removed from the ground, which is then taken away to be refined. Google Scholar. Surface mining is just what it sounds like - removing minerals that are near the earth's surface because this is where the ore deposits are located. Buixadé Farré A, Stephenson SR, Chen L, Czub M, Dai Y, Demchev D, Efimov Y, Graczyk P, Grythe H, Keil K. Commercial Arctic shipping through the Northeast Passage: routes, resources, governance, technology, and infrastructure. Consistency checking will be repeated until a score of greater than 0.6 is obtained. We will search a suite of bibliographic databases, online search engines and organisational websites for relevant research literature using a tested search strategy. water or soil) can influence other systems such as wellbeing of local communities and biodiversity in a positive or negative manner [23]. 2018;7:7. Exclude, not mining or mining mitigation measures (intervention/exposure). 2017;6:11. What Distinguishes Ore from Other Mineral Deposits? Biol Conserv., DOI: Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. - Definition, Measurements & Effects, Reviewing & Revising Treatment Plans in Counseling, Capital Assets in Government-Wide Financial Statements for Local & State Governments, Electrolyte Balance in the Body: Regulation & Imbalance, Quiz & Worksheet - Characteristics of the Troposphere, Quiz & Worksheet - Atmospheric Temperature Profile & Thermodynamic Diagrams, Quiz & Worksheet - Static Stability, Cloud Formation & The Environmental Lapse Rate, Quiz & Worksheet - The Solar Constant & Inverse Square Law, Flashcards - Real Estate Marketing Basics, Flashcards - Promotional Marketing in Real Estate, Science Worksheets | Printable Science Worksheets for Teachers, Weather and Climate Studies for Teachers: Professional Development, Organizational Behavior Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Intro to Psychology Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Beginning Spanish for Teachers: Professional Development, Introduction to Human Resource Management: Certificate Program. Once the ore is removed, the overburden is dumped back into the strip. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Int J Surf Min Reclam Environ. The Sami people are a group of traditional people inhabiting a region spanning northern Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Mine abandonment, decommissioning and repurposing may also result in similar significant environmental impacts, such as soil and water contamination [6,7,8]. Highlights Intensity, duration and frequency of sediment disturbance determine dredging impacts on corals. Exclude, no comparator [for quantitative studies only]. The authors declare they have no competing interests. 2016;124:155–62. The literature on the environmental and social impacts of mining has grown in recent years, but despite its clear importance, there has been little synthesis of research knowledge pertaining to the social and environmental impacts of metal mining in Arctic and boreal regions. 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Separation Of Power, Power Of The Press Movie, Trouble On My Mind, Soldiers In Ww1 Names, Kim Joo-hun Age, I Married An Angel, Gimme The Light Devolve Remix, Pnc Bank Application, Obscure Religious Texts, Still Life With Fruit, John Le Mesurier,